Chapter 32

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Another day,  still no Daniel or Lauren..

"What are you hiding Brian?"


"Then where is he?"

"I don't know Camila." He said becoming more upset with me. "Let be it, leave it alone." I could hear something in his voice but, I'm not sure what.

"I'm not going to leave it alone Brian. " I retorted. "He is my friend! He's my-"

"Daniel is dead Camila!" Brian snapped. "Are you happy now!?" He spat throwing his fist into my wall.

How is this possible? How could this even happen? Millions of thoughts ran through my mind,  I couldn't put it quite together.  Why did God take him? Why does he take the things I care about?

"Brian I-"

"He was just a kid Mila." Seeing the twenty-five year old in the state was extremely hard to see. It was hard to see any grown man cry for that reason. "He didn't even get to be eighteen. " He said punching the wall again. "Damn you Daniel!"

"Brian,  stop." I rested my hand on his shoulder. I'm not good in these situations. I'm not good in situation,  probably why the won't let me out of this hell hole.

"He was all I had Mila..He was the only family.." He sighed. "He was out! He was finally out of this place!"

"You can't save everyone. " I let out.

"What good am I.." He chuckles sitting against the wall. "I couldn't notice he was still hurting. I was too busy with my own life. "

"You're missing the point." I sighed.

"What point Camila!" Brian cried out. "Daniel is gone."

"You have things to live for."


"You have Normani don't you?"


"Then you have something to live for. Live for her." I replied.

"So do you. " A husky voice said from my door.


Lauren had taken Brian outside of my room, they stayed there taking for what seemed like forever.

What was she even doing here?

Everytime something goes on there she is, coming into my life changing things.

"Camila?" I look up from my journal to see Lauren gazing at me.


"Can I talk to you?"

"No you can't but, I'm sure you're going to anyways. " I closed my journal and stood up off of my bed to be eye level with her.

"How are you?"

"Really Lauren?" I groaned.

"I'm just asking."

"Don't. " I snapped.  She put her hands up in defense and backed away.

"I don't know why I bother."

"I don't know why do you?" I chuckle.

"You make it so hard for people to care about you! You're being idiotic."

"Says the girl who knew her fiancee was cheating on her" I mumbled. Lauren looked at me wided eyed.

"What else you got?" She said emotionless. "Say what you want Camila but, all my life I've been beat down,  kicked myself. I'll be dammed if I let some nineteen year old-"

I reached for her hand. "Lauren, I didn't-"

"Just don't Camila!" She jerked away. "Don't try to be here for me because you feel bad."

I want to be there for you Lauren but, I can't.

A/N : Is it wrong that I have my teachers number?

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