Chapter 31

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"So, what are you guys doing here?" I ask grabbing a shot glass from the cabinet Normani was standing next to.

"I'm just here for the food." Normani laughed. "We can catch up later." She whispered into my ear before walking out of the kitchen leaving Ally and I alone. Together.

"What are you like avoiding me know?" Ally laughed slowly taking small steps closer to me.

"N-no why would I-I do that?" I studdered.

"I don't know Lauren.. " She shrugged. "You tell me." She said looking into my eyes. This is the part I hated. Ally could just look at me a certain way; make me feel a certain way.

When I was in a rough patch with Vanessa during my sophomore year of college, my feelings grew for Ally. I didn't see her as my bestfriend's annoyingly little sister. I saw her as a woman.

She was older, wiser, optimistic, graceful, sexy. As much as I wanted to be with Ally, I never allowed myself to act on my feelings because,  I didn't want to hurt her by disappointing her; not being what she always dreamed.

Of course,  I knew Ally liked me. I'm sure at one point she loved me. Dinah would always make fun of her for her admiration of me. When we were in high school Ally would leave romantic poems in my locker, in all honesty I thought it was Vanessa until, I heard Ally reciting my favorite one.

"I'm sorry." I said avoiding her gaze. "I was suppose to be watching you and I couldn't do that." I looked up at her with so much regret.

"Lauren." She laughed lightly flashing me a soft smile as she ran her hand through her hair.  "What happened that night happened."

"But, you don't understand Ally. You got raped because of me. It was my party, I should have been watching you.  I should have kept you close." I cried out.

"That night you couldn't tell the difference. I know that know." She rested a hand on my shoulder. "I don't regret what happened.  I regret running away, dropping out. Leaving you."


"I forgive you Lauren." She intertwined our hands swaying them back and forth. "I forgive you." She placed a subtle kiss on my cheek, pressing her body against my causing my back to hit the oven door handle.

"Why did you choose me?" I spoke softly into her ear, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Because, when we were kids.." She slightly pulled back so that I was looking directly into her eyes. Eyes that I have missed for five years. I longed for them, her touch, her. "You chose me."

Something in me made me feel like I was suppose to be with Ally. Like, this is who I should be with. She wrapped her arms my neck. "Ally I don't-"

"Just kiss me."

I closed the gap between us, at first she didn't kiss back but, a few seconds into the kiss she eagerly reciprocated the kiss with the same amout of feeling. "Jump." I mumbled with her lips still pressed against mine. Ally jumped onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I carefully walked over to the counter, letting her sit on top of it.

"So, this is what I've been missing out on for twenty years." Ally smirked as she broke our kiss.

"I could say the same." I replied leaning in once more.

"OH MY GOD, I'm blind." A voice said. We turned our heads to see Dinah with her eyes covered and Normani standing next to her with the biggest smile, clapping. "I come home and you to are making out."

"Nice to see you too Dinah."

"I wish I could say the same, look like Lauren was extremely happy to see you. " Dinah winked. Ally leaned over, hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"This is so cute, it makes me want to call Brian."

With all this reconnecting, I had forgotten about Normani's unknown fiancee.

"Who is this guy anyways?" I ask.

"What are you my mother?" Normani laughed.

"No but, shouldn't I know?"

"No!" They all replied in unison.

"Why not?" I ask. That's rude,  they know everyone I dated, and I know nothing about who they even had a minor hook up with. They live to be in my relationships.

"Why not? Do you not remember beating up my boyfriend in nine grade because, he broke up with me for Rebecca Dawson."

"Really Normani. Really?" I groaned. "He was a man whore, I had to set him straight."

"Straight into the hospital. " Ally giggled.

"Be quiet Allyson." I smirked.

"Ew, stop please. That's gross." Dinah said.

"So this Brian kid, where did you meet him?" I ask placing Ally back on her feet.

"He works at the hospital. " Dinah injected not allowing Normani to speak.

"He's not a kid, he's older than you." Normani added.

"Excuse the hell out of me." I mocked. "What does he do?"

"I just told you." Dinah snapped.

"Dinah don't be rude." Ally replied.

What's her problem, she's always dramatic. Why is speaking for Normani anyways.

"He works in your unit."Normani sighed.

"Doing?" There's a million guys working there. How am I suppose to find this kid.

"Monitoring Camila."

"Dinah!" Normani hit her in the arm causing Dinah to whimper. "You talk too much."

"You're dating that Brian!" I said pacing back and forth. "Small ass hospital. " I mumbled.  I genuinely liked Brian.  I mean what was there not to like? But, did I like him for my bestfriend. That was the true question. "I'll be back, I'm going to the hospital."

A/N : Did you see Alren coming though? sorry about the wait, I was out. Ally's character is really named Ally. Dinah's character is actually named Derek. Normani's character was added because it tied into the story. Still no camren.

I have an unhealthy crush on Lauren guys,  like when I see her all my common sense might go out the window.

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