Chapter 45

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"What is she talking about?" Giselle asked clinging onto my shoulder.

I shrugged. "You know Dinah." I whispered. Camila let out a small giggle.

I missed that. I missed her.

"So, Camilla is it?" Giselle said acknowledging Camila's presence.

"It's CamEEla." I said. I don't understand how people pronounce her name wrong. She just heard us speak and pronounce her name.

"Oh." Giselle said. "What do you do you?"

"I'm a writer." Camila responded proudly as she gave me a subtle smile.

"Really?" She asked folding her arms across her chest. "Anything I've heard of?"

I brought the glass to my lips, hoping that by the time I was done downing my beer..Giselle would be gone.

"No, I'm sure you haven't." Camila said softly biting her lip. "But, Lauren has." She winked at me.

I spat out my beer directly onto Giselle's shirt.

"Lauren!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry..sorry." I said trying to help her. She swatted my hands away.

"I'm going to go home." Giselle groaned. "I'll call you." She hissed brushing past Camila on her way out of the venue.

"You sure do know how to pick em' " Camila said.

"Why are you here?"

"Seeing for myself." She replied.

She began walking towards the balcony. I followed her because I needed to know. Lucky enough for me, nobody was out here.

Hopefully, Dinah doesn't pop up. She has no fucking chill.

"What are you trying to see Camila?"

"Where it went wrong." She walked over to the railing. I refrained from walking there because I was already seven stories high and looking over would have sent me over the edge.

"Don't we all ask that question." I took out the box of cigarettes from the back of my pocket. She slightly turned her body so that she had some view of me but, still being able to see the city lights.

"I didn't picture you to be a smoker."

I laughed. "You didn't picture me to like women either. " I brought up the cigarette placing it between my lips. "Things change." I lit the end and inhaled deeply.

"Don't tell me that Giselle is a man." Camila joked. "Whoever her doctor is..they did a terrible job." She teased.

I exhaled.

"You're funny."

"Isn't that why you liked me Dr. Jauregui?"

"One of many reason." I made my way to the railing to stand next to her. "Five years huh?"

"Five years.."

"What did I miss?"


"What? Wait. You and Brian have a kid together?" I pushed myself off the railing.

"We adopted a kid yes."

"What are you two married now?" I asked. "You two were also close." I said running my hand through my hair.

"No. No. We're not together."

"Come on, you live with the guy! You have a four year old son together. How do you not expect me to believe you aren't."

"You're an idiot."

I stopped pacing. "What?"

"You're an idiot. Do you think if I was married to Brian I'd be he talking to you?" She asked.

"I don't know you were married to that other guy-"

"Don't." She snapped."You know nothing about that."

"I don't Camila? Is that why you left me alone at  hotel five years ago!" I yelled.

"I left you because I loved you Lauren!" She yelled back. "I loved you then..and I'm sure I still do." She whispered. "I saw you with her, a few years ago I thought I had you but, now I realized how dumb I was for thinking that this was the same."

She walking past me, bumping right into my right shoulder. She walked inside the venue, slamming the door behind her.


"Mila, where are you going?" Dinah asked latching onto my wrist.

"I gotta go." I said trying to keep myself from crying. "It was good seeing you." I pulled her in for a hug. "Make sure Lauren is happy."

"Why can't you do that yourself?" A husky voice said behind me. I pulled away from Dinah and headed for the front exit.

I waited outside, just to my lucky no cabs where insight.

"When are you going to stop running?"

"Go back inside Lauren." I said as I began walking down the sidewalk.

"You come back to me." She said firmly.

"I don't belong to you Lauren."

She ran directly in front of me. "Yes. You. Do." She said reaching for my hand. "I just wanna say you're mine. You're mine, fuck what you heard you're mine. You're mine." She smiled.

I narrowed my eyes. "You spend too much time with Dinah."

"Mila, just shut the hell up and get your girl." Dinah yelled from a door.

"What's it going to be Camz?" Lauren asked. She looked down at the ground.  I placed my hand under her chin and lifted up her head. Her eyes met mine. Like so many times before.

My head was telling me no but, my heart was telling me "Yes."

"Yes?" Lauren asked. I nodded.

"Aye yo! Lauren dumped Giselle and got with Mila!" Dinah yelled. People inside the venue began cheering. "I'll leave you two alone now." Dinah smiled. "Pay up bitches!" She said heading back into the venue.

"She betted on me." Lauren scoffed.

"You're really worried about that?" I raised an eyebrow.

Lauren gave me her signature smirk. "I'm worried about you."

She placed one of hands on my waist and the other was strategically placed in my hair. "What are you waiting for?" I whispered looking into her eyes.

"1432" She whispered before pressing her lips against mine.

A/N : And we have reached the point where these next chapters will be Camren and more CAMREN.

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