Chapter 41

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"Do you think she'll come?" I ask Dinah as I pace back and forth across the hotel floor.

"I'm sure she'll come." Dinah said. "She'd have to be stupid not too."

"Maybe you shouldn't be here."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because!" I groaned. "Because you're you Dinah Jane Hansen!" I shook my head ."Get out." I said pushing her towards the door.

"After all this time." She scoffed. "I thought we were friends." She said dramatically.

"You thought wrong. Now out. " I said opening the door. "I'll call you if she shows." I said pushing her out into the hall.

"You got some fucking nerve Lauren."

"Say 'Hi' to Luis for me." I smiled.

"It's not like-" I quickly closed the door.

What if she doesn't come? What if she didn't even read the letter? She probably went back to her husband.  What's his name Austin?-Dallas.

I'm probably going to be by my self instead of with her.

To be human means to be beautifully imperfectly flawed.

"This is it Miss." The cab driver said parking in front of the hotel.

I closed my journal. "Thank you." I handed him a 50 dollar bill, I got out the cab and he got my belongings out of the  trunk. He handed me my bags , got back in the car and drove all.

I stood there for a minute staring at the hotel. I couldn't figure out why but, it felt like I should be here.

Maybe here is where I should have been. With Lauren.

As I walked into the hotel the scent of vanilla and cinnamon apple hit me square in the nose. It smelled like Christmas-I didn't like that.

The decor of the building made it no better, it's the end of October and these people have Christmas decorations. We still have another holiday to get through.

When I reached the concierge's desk, a boy who seemed to young to even work there stood behind the desk sporting a huge smile. "Hi, my name is Jack. Welcome to East Coast Regional. How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Lauren Jauregui,  can you tell me what room she's in?"

"Ah yes, Miss Jauregui." He grinned. He began typing rapidly for ten seconds. "She's in room 1432. Fifth floor"

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Do you need someone to help you with your bags Miss..uhh..I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Cabello..Camila Cabello."



"Well, Miss Cabello, if you need someone to take your bags I can have our bell boy-My brother Eric get those for you." He chuckled pointing at seemingly older boy standing by the door. Honestly,  he reminded me of a Giorgio Armani model.

I looked back at Jack. "No, it's fine. I can manage."

He nodded graciously. "Have a nice stay Miss Cabello."

I avoided taking the elevator.  I needed time to think.

Five flights of stairs. Five flights in heels.

I stood there at the door, the numbers '1432' engraved just above the peep hole in sliver coating.

I brought my hand up to knock.

But,  I couldn't.

Maybr this is wrong.  I should just go home-you don't have a home idiot.

I turned on my heels and began mentally cursing myself. A faint clicking sound entered my thoughts.

"You came." A voice huskily but softly said.

I turned around to be faced with those emerald green eyes that I hate.

I hate them because there is no escaping them.

"I shouldn't have." I whispered picking up my things with one hand.

"You're not running from me." Lauren said grabbing into my free hand. "Not this time."

A/N : omg I see police. I like people in uniform (; in other words I mean people in my softball clothes

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