Chapter 27

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I haven't seen Daniel in almost a week, I just don't understand, how could he be here and the next day be gone? I haven't seen Lauren since that day, I didn't plan on it but, if I want to get out of here. I don't have a choice but, to see her.

I was walking to Lauren's office because, I knew she was going to call down eventually, so I'll just save her the trouble.

When I had gotten to her office, I was about to open the door until,  it opened from the other side but, the person opening the door wasn't Lauren. The girl made eye contact with me. She was attractive. I'm not going lie, if I see someone attractive I'm gonna say it. She's about 5'5, she's got green eyes, long brown hair all down her back. Honestly,  she looks like a model.  She scurried pasted me. Leaving me standing there clueless. Who is she?


"That's my name,  don't wear it out." I replied. Walking straight in her office.

"Please come in. " She said sarcastically closing the door.

I sat in my usual place in front of the desk. She sat in front of me as she always does. "Who was that?" I ask.

"Who are you talking about?"


"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't, I just want to know." I shrugged."She's kind of cute."

"I haven't noticed. " Lauren mumbled writing something in her notepad.

"Why are you always doing that?"

"Doing what?" She asks cluelessly.

"That!" I snapped pointing at her notepad.

"Because,  I feel like it." She snapped back.


"You're a real jackass Lauren. " Camila muttered.

"Why because I'm writing?" I reply.

"No you idiot."

"Then what Camila!"

"It doesn't matter!" She yelled back at me. This is starting to get annoying.

"Then why bring it up?"

"Drop it."

"No."I said not giving into her demands."Why are you so worried about me? Why aren't you worried about Daniel? I asked. "Where's he Camila?!" I said raising my voice towards her. Her eyes widened and she sat there silently.

"Answer me." I said.

She didn't.

"Camila?" I said softening my tone.

"Leave me alone Lauren."

"Camila,  I didn't mean to-"

"Save it, go tell that to your fucking perfect girlfriend." She cut me off as she ran out of my office.

A/N : Now, this story is back on the scheduled story plot

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