Chapter 13

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Camila's Pov

"You told her I was your boyfriend!?"

"You didn't see the way she looked at me with her piercing green eyes. She broke me I had think of something."

"Camila, I've never had a girlfriend, like what do I do? Kiss you and leave you in a corner somewhere?"

"Very funny." I laughed

"I'm being serious."

"Just act, that's all you have to do is act Daniel, I'm not asking you for anything more."

I saw Lauren walking near us I quickly pulled Daniel closer to me.

"Kiss me."


"I said kiss me!" I looked over his shoulder Lauren was no more than 10 feet from us.

"I don't think I'm ready for that Mila.."

"To fucking bad."

I grabbed Daniel by his collar and smashed my lips on his. I opened my left eye and Lauren was looking directly at us, I gently pushed Daniel away and smiled.

"Uh-h hey Camila..Daniel."Lauren said awkwardly as she passed us.

"Please don't do that again."

"It wasn't that bad." I groaned.

"It wasn't?" He smiled brightly.


"I think I can do this whole fake girlfriend/boyfriend thing."

"Dear God, what have I done." I murmured.



auren's Pov

"Why is Camila really here Matthew?"

"She needs the help, I told you."

"I know what you told me but, nothing adds up. She's showing no signs. I think she's normal."

"Camila is far from normal." He laughed. "You ever heard that expression "too far off the deep end" before?" I nod slowly because I don't see the significance of this. "Camila..created her own deep end."

"I don't think she's crazy."

"Did we read the same file? Or are you just blind?"

"I know what her goddamn file says Matt but, I'm telling you she's-"

"I need your help with Camila, something happend." Brian said barely auditable due to his rapid breathing.

I got up out of my chair racing down the halls to Camila's room.

There she was silently laying on her back on the uncomfortable cot they call a bed in this place.

"I don't understand."

"Something's wrong, that's why I got you."

I walked into the room and she laid there still.


No answer.

"Camila?" I said once more.


"Camila? Are you okay?" I whispered gently touching her hand. "Camila are you listening to me?"

She let out a ligh hearted giggle.

"Who's Camila?" She asks.

I turn and glance at Brian and look at Camila.

"You are."

She shook her head and gave me a soft smile.

"I'm Karla." She said in a child like tone.

I run back to my office leaving Brian with Camila. I frantically search for Camila's file finding it on the chair she sits in. My heart was beating extremely fast as I opened up the manila folder to look at her information.


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