Chapter 42

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"Are you coming in?" I asked.

She just stood there.


She glanced at me then, looked down at her feet. "Why?" She mumbled.

"Why what?"

She sighed in what seemed to be frustration. "Why me? Why quit?"

"Camila you know I hated that job. Just come inside." I insisted."We can discuss this inside."

"No Lauren." She said yanking her arm away from me. "This isn't right." She said motioning her hands back and forth between us. "Look at us Lauren..Jesus.."

"This. This is right."

"No. No it's not." She whispered. "We're too different. I know who you are Lauren. I always have." She sighed. "You come from a world where everything was perfect until you met me and that threw you off. You're not attracted to me and I'm not attracted to you. We're just two idiots who like the idea of each other.." She picked up her bag. "That's all it was."

"I don't believe that."

"Someone has too." She shrugged walking away like before.

"Camila,  I-I-"

She turned to me. She slowly approached me and cupped my cheeks with her hands. "Don't.  Those words are too powerful.  You don't mean it-maybe you do." She giggled lightly. "Lauren, one day you'll realize that this..this is for your own good. Maybe you won't see it today or even on Sunday morning. But, you will. You'll make some girl happy one day. I just won't be her." She said rubbing the pad of her thumb across my cheek.

"What are you so afraid of?" I asked. "It's not a bad thing." I whispered placing my hands on her small waist.

"It's not. " She  flashed a smile but, it soon faded. "I can't take that risk."

Camila placed a gentle kiss on my lips and pushed herself away from me.

I watched her walk away from me again.

"Hey." I called out.

"Yeah?" She said looking over her right shoulder.

"Promise me something?"

She brief bit her lip and smiled widely. "What Jauregui?"

"Promise me you'll be a writer." I replied.

I always knew how much that meant to her. It kept her sane in there. It was her peace of mind her..her escape.

"Definitely maybe." She winked. I smiled at her and turned away.

I placed the key card into the slot. "Lauren?"



I don't understand.

"What does that mean?"

"One day." She whispered.

A/N : you thought Camila was staying? Lol.

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