Chapter 48

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Now let's take a moment to process this. All of this makes no sense. Honestly, it makes no sense at all. If you would have told me five years ago that I would have been admitted into-this type of 'psychiatric' hospital, then being raped, beaten, sexually harassed, threatened by a man who stole my innocence and life-I would have believed you. No problem.

But, if you would have told me that I would meet someone who makes feel alive with a simple smile.

I wouldn't have believed a word you said.

That's the thing though, growing up I had nothing.  Even when my parents gave me everything,  I felt like I had nothing. I felt like I was nothing but, it changed five years ago in August.

My whole life I tried to be somebody everyone else wanted me to because that's what I thought I wanted.

But, the idea of me loving someone and them loving me back, that mere thought seemed pretty fucking ridiculous if you want to be honest.

From what I've learned life is pretty scary but, with Lauren I don't have to be.

I realized..I realized it too late.

This would have been another life.


"Do you really have to go?" Lauren asked reaching for my hand.

I nodded. "I do." I ran my fingers through her hair. "I have to take Carter to school tomorrow."

"Can't Brian take him?" Lauren groaned tugging my arms.

When she wants she can act like a child.

"He could but, he's a child in a grown man's body." I giggled.

"Can I meet him?"

"You've met Brian."

"No, Carter."

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded slightly and shrugged. "He's your son, he's apart of your life..I want him to be apart mine too..You know if you plan I being with me." She smiled widely. "Forever."

Forever. Forever seem close yet so far.

"I don't want to leave you."

"You're not, you're just taking a break."

A break.

"Kinda weird, I'm leaving you on Sunday morning isn't it."

"Nope." Lauren picked up my bags. "I hate Sundays." She grinned.


Lauren drove me to the airport, before we parted ways at the gate. She held me in her arms, travelers passing by stopped and starred but, like could they not?

The three hour ride was boring-aside from Lauren texting me every thirty minutes saying how much she missed me.

It was sweet.

When I got back to my home in Miami. It was quiet. As I stepped inside, something felt different.  Everything was the same yet, so rearranged.

"Hey." I said as I entered to the living room. Brian was sitting on the couch watching a rugby match with his fingers resting in a bowl filled with grapes.

"Hey Mila." He smiled reaching for the remote. Brian turned off the tv and placed the bowl on the coffee table. He cleared his throat. "He called again."

"Did you tell me where I was?"


"Good." I sighed. "It's going to get worse."

"I know kiddo." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm going to go lay down with Carter."

He nodded. "Goodnight Mila."

"Night." I smiled.

A/N : Who knew I would update twice today.

Don't you guys hate when people messing with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Like can you not touch him -.-

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