Chapter 19

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"So, she just ran out of her office?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"I think she agrees with me, you kiss terrible even on the cheek Mila. Step up your game" Daniel winked at me.

"You're a horrible boyfriend." I said playfully smacking him across the arm.

"Maybe because I'm gay." He replied.


"I'm kidding Mila. I like girls just as much as you like Lauren" He says placing his hand over mine.

"I don't like her."

"So much denial in your voice."

"I'm not denying anything."

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard since I've been in this nut house. Yeah sure, Lauren is attractive. Her eyes make your heart melt while you get lost in them and her voice can make anyone want to drop their panties for her but, no.

"Then why are you thinking about her?" He ask pinching my cheeks.

"I-I wasn't!" I huffed. "I just want to know what's she's hiding from me."

"I'm sure it's nothing Camila. "

"You didn't feel what I felt when I was with her." I sighed throwing my hands in the air.


"Well, that's a good way to show you missed your patient."

"Oh, fuck you Dinah." I said narrowing my eyes at her watching her trying to contain her laughter.

"Isn't there rules about having physical contact with your patient..and liking it." The smirk she had across that face of hers shows me how much she's enjoying my downfall.

"Camila is different. "

"What does Matthew think about all of this?"

"He doesn't know and he will never know."

"You know how friends talk each other out of mistakes?" She asks , I nod but, I'm not following her. "That's one mistake you should have talked me out of."

"Dinah that was ages ago."

"I don't give a shit if it was a thousand centuries ago." She said angrily.

"You do realize we haven't been on this earth a thousand-"

"Shut up. Back to your issues..what are you going to do?"

"Nothing,  I don't think she noticed. " I shrugged grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"You don't think she noticed? Hell, I noticed!" She said dramatically.

"That was eleven years ago and you walked in my room unannounced."

"I don't care. I'm telling you..she knows" Dinah said throwing a grape up in the air letting it fall into her mouth.

"I ran off pretty quick."

"You ran out of your own office?  I swear you don't use the sense God gave to you."


"You and Daniel huh?" Brian smiled.

"Yeah, he's pretty sweet."

"He seems happy with you Mila. I think he really likes you."

"I hope so!" I laughed nudging Brian.

"I've seen Daniel interact with girls but, he's never shown interest in them..until you."

If he only knew what was truly going on, I think he would genuinely have a shit flip or a heart attack.  Which ever comes first.

"What about you?" I smiled.  "I've seen you and that doctor from the fifth floor."

"Well, she's my fiancee. "

"No way? Dude, she's hot."

"I think she's pretty hot too." He chuckles looking down at the ring on his ring finger.

"What's her name?'

"Normani." He smiled.

A/N : I had to bring Normani in. That's bae ♥ , Ally is going to comeback eventually..

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