Chapter 40

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If it's not one thing it's a fucking another. How could I be so stupid?

"Do you believe it?" Brian asks.

"What's their not to believe?" I ask staring at the ceiling. "All the evidence is in the police report. She got off just because she has money."

"I don't think she did it." He shrugged lightly patting my hand as he got up off of the bed.


"Why what?" He asks before exiting my room.

"Why don't you believe she did it?"

"Because Mila, think about it. How many times has Lauren protected you?" He says. "When peter hurt you why was she sickened because of what he did?"

"I don't-"

"Lauren is a good person Camila. You know it.  That's why you believed she didn't did what those girls said.." He took a deep breathe. "You don't give up on people you care about. She hasn't given up on you."

Brian was right, I couldn't just jump to conclusions. Lauren has been there for me the least I could do is , be there. Try to understand.


I turned to face my door and Dr. Andrews was standing there.


"You're being released in twenty minutes.  Pack your things." He said emotionless.


I was on my way to Lauren's office to tell her-to apologize at least be on a good note with her before I walk out of this hell hole and never see her face again.

I lightly knocked on Lauren's door. "Hey, can I come in? I need to talk to you."

I waited for a response.  I knew she was upset but, even for her pretending like she can't hear me is kind of childish.

A familiar face walked passed me. "Hey! Dinah right?"

She stopped and smiled. "What's up Mila?"

"Is Lauren still mad at me?"

"Mad at your for what?" She asked giving me a discerning look.

Lauren must have not told her.

"Nothing. I knocked on her door and she won't answer me." I knocked on it again. "I know you're in there Lauren Jauregui. " I growled.

"Calm down. " Dinah laughed. "Camila, Lauren isn't here."

"When will she'll be back?"

"She's not kiddo." She sighed "Yesterday she beat up Matthew over some police reports then, she quit."

"Idiot. " I mumbled under my breath.

"Camila I have to go. Maybe one day we can hang out.  Since you're a free woman and all." She said trying to lighten the mood.

"Definitely. " I nodded.

"Lauren wanted me to give you this but, she said don't read til you got out." Dinah handed me the note.  I looked down at the envelope to see how neatly she had written my name.

"Thank you." I looked up and Dinah was gone. Just like Lauren.

"Camila?  Time to go kiddo." Brian smiled.


"I'm going to miss you around here." Brian said before clearing his throat.

"Are you crying? "

"No! It's my allergies." He said wiping his eyes

"I'll miss you too Brian. " I smiled resting a hand on his shoulder. "You'll see me at the weeding."

"Who said your invited?"

"Loser." I shook my head.

"Well here's your cab kiddo." He said placing my things in the trunk. "Be safe." He said pulling me into a tight hug.


"I'll try." I said as he pulled away.


I sat in the backseat of the cab watching Brian walk away back into the hospital.

"Where to Miss?" The driver asks.

I pulled out Lauren's letter.

"Just a second please." I unfolded the paper and ran my thumb across the writting.

"Dear Camila, 

If you did what I asked you waited until they released you. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye.  I couldn't stand to see your face because , it was filled with so much regret and disappointment. Maybe one day you won't look at me like that. Maybe one day will be tomorrow?   Meet me at 4379  12th avenue. I'll be there today until  Sunday morning.

Ask for me.

Let me explain.

Give me a chance Camz.


Your person,

Lauren Jauregui xo"

"Miss?" The driver spoke again.

"4379 12th Avenue please."

A/N : so my mom is letting me go to America's Got Talent for my birthday even though the audition is January 29th and I turn 18 on the 27th. I have to drive to San Antonio to audition.  If I bump into Ally magically.  I will die happily.

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