Chapter 34

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I haven't spoken or seen Camila seen that-escapade. She pulled two weeks ago, she's refused to come in. Whenever I go by her room, she's never there. I tried to get Dinah-even Normani . Nothing.  I'm done, I can't even fathom how much she agitates me.

"Dr. Jauregui?" I was snapped out of thoughts.

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry what were you saying Jamie?" I cleared my throat, blinked a few times.

"I asked what was wrong. "

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just stressed. " I shrugged.

"I could tell you seem..tense." She replied.

"Tense is an understatement for how I really feel." I said, I began massaging the back of my neck.

"That's not going to help." Jamie snickered covering her mouth with her hand.

"Yeah? How would you know?" I replied.

"My dad was a chiropractor."

"Was?" I questioned. "What happened?"

"My mother.." She cleared her throat. "She killed him and took her own life soon after."

"That must suck. Losing both of your parents." I couldn't imagine losing the two people who mattered the most to me. But,  it happens to all of us eventually.

"Shit happens." She replied bluntly. "Here let me help you." Jamie gets up out of her chair and stands behind me.

"No, Jamie it's fine." I laughed waving her off. Attempting to stand up.

"Let me help you." She said forcefully pushing me back down. "Relax." She placed both of her hands on my shoulders.

"This is nice of you Jamie but, you should stop."

"Come on, it'll be quick. " She said massaging deeper into my neck. "Everytime I see you, your so stressed."

"Yeah, this job is stressful." I murmured closing my eyes, sinking further into my chair.

"Does that feel better?" Jamie whispered.


I felt a stinging sensation across my neck. I jumped up out of my trance, I put my hand around the area that was starting to irritating me.

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." She said shyly.

"What the hell, crazy ass-"

"You have really nice shoulders."

"Thank you?" I cleared my throat once more, why am I in the most uncomfortable inquisitions.

"You're like really athletic. " She smirked. "Do you work out?"

"Athletic?" I laughed incredibly loudly at her comment. It amused me. "If you call sitting around drinking beers, smoking and scarfing a whole bag of Doritos athletic."

"Can I touch it?"

"Touch what?"

"You know what I mean Dr. Jauregui. " She hissed, inching her body closer to mine.

"Uh-h, I'm not sure I get what you mean."

Can't I just be unattractive to somebody?  One day. Just one God, why are not on myside?

"All the girls know. " She blushed running her hand against my thigh.

"Know what?" I asked raising my voice as I swatted her hand away.

"About your not so little friend." She whispered seductively as she placed one of her arms around my neck and the other hand ran up my thigh once more, slowly making it's way to my crotch area.

"Look, this is extremely inappropriate." I grabbed her hands removing them from me placing them in front of her. "I have someone and quite frankly I'm not interested,  okay Jamie?"

She stood there smirking at me. "Will see."

"Dr. Jauregui, Mr. Flirt said if I don't see you-"

"Camila?" I quickly pushed Jamie away.

"Oh, your busy. I can come another time." Camila said backing out of my office.

"No, you can stay." She said sweetly. "I was just leaving. " She winked at me before turning to smile at Camila. "I'll see you around Dr. Jauregui. "

Jamie swiftly bumped into Camila's shoulder as she walked out of my office. Camila began  muttering things that were barely audible.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I hissed.

A/N : Here's what you guys been waiting for, I kinda hinted that Lauren had guy parts but, nobody got it.

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