Chapter 30

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Isn't ironic,  I'm a doctor and I hate doctors?

Everytime I have to come here, I mentally have a shit flip when I have to do this every month but, thankfully Dinah came this time but, only to leave me in the parking lot.


"Jacob. " I said in the same tone.

He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. Aside from My parents , loved ones, Now Camila.  Jacob was the only person I let hug me.

Jacob has been in my life since, I graduated from high school. He and my mother had gotten together after my parents divorce but, Jacob is only ten years older than me.

"How have you been?" He asks.

I began telling him about everything, everything from the job, Camila,  Dinah moving in, sparing him the details of how Vanessa cheated on me with her boss.

"I'm glad you broke up with Vanessa." He said clearing his throat. "You were too good for her. No kid of mine is going to settle. " He gave me a small smile. "Plus, she was whore." He began laughing hysterically.

"I can't argue with that."

"Why are you really here Lauren?" He asks taking off his glasses.

I took a deep breathe. "I'm worried it's coming back. "

"Well, you did stop taking your medication. " He said with a 'Duh' look on his face. "What did you think? Depression comes and goes Lauren."

"I'm not depressed you airhead." I laughed.  "I'm angry. "

"At what Lauren?"

"Myself. " I sighed.  "I should have been watching her Jacob."

"Lauren, we've discussed this. It was your fault. The party got out of hand."

"But, she got raped because of me!" I said raising my voice at him.


"I'm giving you this dosage, make sure you take it." He demanded. "Next time don't wait six months to see me." Jacob gave me a small pat on my back.

"Can I wait twelve?" I joked.

"Get out of my office Lauren." He said trying to hide the grin on his face.

"Tell mom I miss her okay?"

He nodded. "Will do kiddo. " I sent him a warm smile and walked out of the office.

The thing that separates Jacob and my father apart is he cares. Not saying my dad didn't,  he just had a different way of showing it. If I got hurt on the playground he brushed it off but, if I got an A on my test he dropped everything he was doing to congradulate me.

My dad isn't the one to "Share Feelings" that's not him but, what he didn't understand is some kids need that from their parents. I was that kid, I just wanted my dad to say "I love you." instead of "You outta get an A next time."

Part of my wants to blame my mother but, what can I do? She was smart, she was unhappy,  so she left. I couldn't.  She was never there for me either, only Jacob.  Even when the accidents happened. Jacob was there; not my parents. He got the judge to "Make It Go Away"


When I walked into the house, all I wanted to do is relax. I took off my jacket and put it on the hook next to the door.

"Dinah, I'm home." I joked knowing she was probably at the hospital since it was only three in the afternoon. I slid off my shoes placing them neatly by the door.

The smell of food took me out of my trance. This is why I love Dinah, she feeds me. I made my way to the kitchen. God bless Dinah.

"You're not Dinah.." I gulped.

"It's nice to see you to, Lauren. " She smiled brightly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. I felt like something was stuck in my throat.

"You're not happy to see me?" She pouted as she came closer to me. "You're my bestfriend."

This isn't real. This isn't real.

"We are." I whispered.

She pulled me into an extremely tight hug, squeezing the life out of me.

"I missed you Lauren. "

"Me too, Mani."

"Normani , Dinah said-"

I pulled away from Normani turning the direction the voice came from.

"Ally?" I whispered.

"Hi, Lauren. " She smiled shyly.

A/N : I'm kissing Lauren at the next Texas M&G I call dibs. End of story yo.

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