Chapter 7

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"How are you feeling today Camila?" I ask doodling in my notepad.

"Fine." She replied.

"Just fine?" I said continuing with my drawing. She didn't say a word she just sat there looking at the lifeless walls.

"Stop pretending like you give a shit Dr. Jauregui. I know you're not paying attention. You're drawing."

"Well okay then." Caught redhanded.

I placed my clipboard back on my desk. "What makes you say that?"I questioned.

"Because, why would someone like you pay attention to someone like me. Even if you are paid to give a crap, it doesn't matter to you how I feel Dr. Jauregui." She stated.

"I do care."

"I thought honesty is the best policy." She smirked. She's a know it all. Honesty is the best policy but, not here.

"I heard you had some visitors yesterday." I deeply exhaled. "Tell me about them." I said grabbing my pen and notepad.

"I'd rather not." She huffed.

"Camila, we do have to talk eventually." I breathed loudly throwing my clipboard onto my desk.

"Not going to happen." She muttered, as she folded her arms across her chest, cocking her eyebrows at me. Well can you say fucking attitude? Geez.


Weeks went on and I still had made no progress with Camila. It became rather irritating. Everyday the same thing non stop. I hated it. It caused built up frustration. A whole month of no progress. You can't even say we were at square one. She doesn't even admit anything. Absoultely nothing. She's almost like a baby who can not speak yet. She acts like she can't respond.

"You look exhausted." My fiancee said.

"That's because I am, Vanessa."

"Maybe you should..I don't know..relax." Vanessa wrapped her arms and legs around my waist. Resting her head on my left shoulder.

"I'm thinking about quitting."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I could always get another job or work with my dad." I shrugged.

"Lauren, you can't give up on her and plus where else are you going to get that kind of money? It pays great. I should know I work there." She said playing with my hair as I rested in her lap.

"You work in a different unit you smart ass." I shook my head.

"Hey, the ER is no joke." She said sternly.

"Yeah well, neither is Camila." I huffed.


Camila's Pov

"Camila, calm down." He pleaded.

"No! Stop it. Stop!" I closed my eyes and covered ny ears.

"Camila, I'm not going to hurt you come here."

"You're a liar that's what you said last time! You hurt me!"


Lauren's Pov

"Hello? Right now..What happend..I'll be there soon." I said sleepily.

I looked at the alarm clock.


I removed Vanessa's arms from my waist and replaced myself with a pillow. I grabbed some sweats and tee shirt and threw it on. I put on some sneakers. I took the car keys off the hook and quietly exited the house.

"What happened." I asked walking down the hall to Camila's room.

"I don't know, I think she's hallucinating." Brian sighed.

As I approached Camila's room, I could hear faint whispers coming from inside.

I saw her rocking back and forth in the corner on her bed.

"Camila?" I slowly began walking towards her.

"No. No. Get away from me. Don't touch me!" She screamed.

"How long has she been like this?" I ask turning to Brian.

"I don't know the nurses came and gave her something."

I specifically told them not to fucking give her any medication.

"Camila?" I sat next to her on the bed. I placed my arms around her.

"Your hurting me!" She cried.

"What's wrong with her." He asked.

"She's having a episode. I'm not sure which one." I sighed. I pulled Camila closer to me with her head resting on my chest.

"Let me go please, you're hurting me." She whimperd.

"Camila, it's me Lauren, I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered in her ear.

"Lauren, don't let them hurt me again. I needed you and you weren't here."

'I know, I'm sorry." I've never seen anything like this. Nor have I been this position.

"Promise you won't let them hurt me."

"I promise." I tightened my grip around Camila as she became silent, falling asleep in my arms.

A/N : on a serious note, I should do my homework.

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