Chapter 17

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When I had gotten home-to my house, not much of a home anymore. Everything was gone all the things she had gotten for us..gone.

I gently threw my keys onto the counter watching them slid off onto the floor. I walked over to the cherry wood cabinet not even bothering to get the keys.

Isn't it funny how things work out? Part of me wanted to drink every memory away but, that is irrevocably impossible.

How did I not see this coming? Did I do something to deserve this? Wasn't I good enough for her? Obviously not if she ran off with her boss.


"Camila? "

"Dr. Andrews.." I mumbled.

"Have you seen Lauren? "

"No, she's your employee."

"You don't like me do you?" He asks.

"Does it look like I like you?"

"How's Lauren treating you?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?"

I feel like I'm getting investigated by the damn FBI for Christ sakes. Why can't people around here mind their own business? Someone is always invested in what I'm doing.

"Just to know you. " He shrugs.

"Anything you need to know about me, is in that manila folder buddy" I said as I patted him on the shoulder brushing past him.

"See you around Camila."


As days passed, weeks came as much as I didn't want to admit it. I was hurt. I felt like someone drilled a hole into my chest and threw me out in the cold.

Maybe this was my fault, just maybe.

"You need to get out of this house." Dinah says hitting me with one of my bedroom pillows.

"No, just leave me here to die" I groaned dramatically.

"Lauren, do you know what month it is?"


"It's the end of September . You need to get out and go back to work. "

"How can I go back to work helping people when I can't even help myself?" I threw my hands in the air. I'm going through hell.

"I don't know but, this isn't the Lauren I know. I understand that Vanessa being your girlfriend-"

"She was my fiancee. " I pointed out.

"Oh really? Then, where was the ring and how come I wasn't invited to the wedding?"

"You're being an arse." I hissed.

"Me? I'm just stating the truth, you and Vanessa were together for 10 years, you put her through medical school and both her a condo. What did you get in return? A big fat "I'm dumping you for my boss" I saw it coming"

"If you say it coming then why not say anything! Isn't that part of girl code?"

"Girl code went out the window when you let her cheat on you with Kevin Alexander back in college. "

"Drunken mistake. " I murmured.

"Yeah and like that time at Normani's party when she made out with the next door neighbor." She said folding her arms across her chest. "That to me was idiotic, I would have left the unfaithful trollop"

"Did you just say trollop?"

"Yeah so?"

"Stop watching BBC, it's effecting your grammar"

"That is besides the point, it's been four months, and you left your own patient behind, what was her name?"

I placed my head downward and took a shallow breath before raising my head up again. "Camila. " I replied.

How could I forget about her. I promised.

"That girl did a right thing for telling you. Now take your ass to work and thank her properly, I taught you better than that" Dinah laughed.

"What will I ever do without you?"

"I don't know.." She shrugs. "Die?" I frown at her remark. "Just kidding." She smiled.

"Thank you." I said returning the gesture.

A/N : because I like this storyline but, I'm speeding the book up, this wasn't suppose to happen til chapter 37.

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