Chapter 29

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"Let me go Lauren. " Camila cried out.

This is too much. "Why do you work here?" Keeps circling around my thoughts. Why? I don't know Camila. I don't know.

I unlocked our fingers and watched her hands fall to her sides.

"Are you ready to talk?" I ask softly. She looked up at me and looked back down at her feet nervously.

"I don't like her Lauren. " Camila said clearly with her arms folded across her chest.

"Camila,  you don't know her." I sighed deeply rubbing my eyes.

"Neither do you." She spat.

"What has Jamie ever done to you?" I ask.

"Nothing." She shrugs.

"Then what's the problem!" I said louder than I entended to causing her to jump. I reached out my hand to rest it on her shoulder. "Sorry."

"Don't touch me Lauren.." She gritted her teeth, swatting my hand away.

When I try to be nice to her I get shot down, when I'm serious and professional with her she hits me and, has temper tantrums the size of Texas.

"I don't know what you want from Lauren." She began pacing back and forth across the wooden floor making me light headed.

"Will you stop that?" I ask rubbing my forehead closing my eyes. I can hear her feet dancing across the floor. "Camz stop!" The sound stopped.

"What did you call me?" She asks.

"Nothing,  don't worry about it." I hissed.


I grabbed my beer off the coffee table and propped my feet on the table. I don't know what I'm doing. Out of all the things I could have been I choose a doctor,  I have a Master's Degree for Christ sakes.

"Move hoe." Dinah said nonchalantly knocking my feet off the table.

"You've been here less than 6 months and you think you own the place." I chuckle.

"I pay rent don't I?"

"Dinah, I paid this house off in college. "

"Then you owe me money honey. " She laughs. A small smile appears on my face but, quickly vanishes. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Have you been going to see Jacob?" She asks.

I shake my head. "Not since I got the job."

"That was almost six months ago." She said.

"I know." I sighed.

"When did you run out?"

"5 months ago. "

"Fucking idiot." She replied hitting me in the arm. "Are you trying to-"

"Dinah, I'm fine."


"This isn't like college Lauren,  you can't just brush it off. "

"Am I dying?" I asked.

"No but, your hurting."

"Everyone hurts." I said resting my head in the crook of her neck. "I was my fault."

"Don' didn't know, we didn't know."

"But, I could have saved her. Imagine what she goes through everyday Dinah." I croaked.

"Ally, doesn't blame you."

"How would you know? I should have been watching her Dinah, you asked me that and I couldn't even do that!" I cried out. "You haven't seen your sister since college because of me."

A/N : 1/3 of the book is done and No camren has happened yet lol but, it'll happen.  SOON (Camila's language)

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