Chapter 4

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I can honestly say that this is the worst day of my life-well one of the worse days. All of these people in here have legit issues, I on the other hand am perfectly normal.  I mean how could they send me into this hell hole? The only bright side to this situation is-Oh, what their isn't.

"Lights out!" A man yelled over the intercom. All the lights in the hospital had gone out causing it to be completely dark with the exception of the moonlight shining through my window.

"So much for writing" I muttered closing my journal.  I will not stay here, that's just not happening.


I peeked outside of the doorway discretely, trying not to attract any kind of unwanted attention to myself.  Luckily, there were no guards standing in the hallway. I quickly retreat back to the room , grabbing my journal off of the metal death trap they call a table. I go to the door once more to check if the coast is clear. For this to be a top notch hospital, their security sure is shit. I exited my room and stuck to the walls. I didn't know exactly where I was going but, I was getting the hell out of here. 

This should be illegal, keeping people locked up like animals!

I quietly ran down the hallow halls, questioning every step I took, not know where I was going to end up. Soon enough I came across a dead end.

"Where are you going?" A boy asked me half asleep.

"Mind your business, kid" I hissed trying to keep my voice down.

"Look, if you're trying to get out, I suggest you go that way and take two rights." He says pointing behind him. "Oh, I am not a kid either. Good look, Miss Cabello" He smirked walking off. I gladly took the advice and swiftly ran past him and did exact what he suggested.

This hall seemed relatively different from the others, surely it was quiet-a little too quiet if you ask me. As, I tip-toed into the hall I could see an exit sign towards the far end off the hall. Freedom. That kid was pretty helpful but, why? If I was him I wouldn't tell anybody anything. I'd just keep it to myself and let them figure it out on their own. The closer I got towards the door I could see, no I had my freedom right there in the palm of my hand. I felt something tugging at my right ankle, then the sound of a faint bell. The hallway lights soon lit up the hallway, I looked down to see the rope wrapped around my very ankle. How did I not feel that as I walked on to it.

"You attempted to escape just as I thought you would." A voice muttered behind me, I turned around to face them. That's fucking fantastic!

"You." I growled at the man handling prick from earlier. 

"I'm sensing, you don't like me" He laughed approaching me.

"No, I don't like you. Quite frankly, I can't stand you. You digust me." I spat.

"Oh, well I like you Camila." He smirked.

"Everything okay here Peter?" Another man asked us.

"Yeah. Newbie." Peter laughed, removing the rope from my ankle 

"Just get her back into the room. Lock the door behind you." The other man said before walking away

"What are you doing?' I asked. 

"You heard the man." Peter said standing behind me.

"Why can't you stand next to me?" I asked feeling uncomfortable by his presence.

"Start walking hot stuff." He says smacking me on the ass.

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