Chapter 58

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Camila met my parents, they loved her.  Probably just as much as I do.

They also met Carter and Brian.  It was long before my mom started asking questions about the baby and the wedding.

Somehow she managed to bring Dinah into the equation and demanded to speak with her. My mom had always liked Dinah,  she told Camila stories about Dinah, Ally and I up until the time she left.

They bonded, I liked that.

Jacob really scared Camila good. Carter took a liking to him as well, so did Brian,  they all spent time together playing catch in the backyard.


I just sat back and watched.

This is what I have been wanting my whole life, a family of my own.  Something to keep me grounded physically, emotionally and mentally.

"You okay?" Camila asked massaging my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm just looking at stuff."


"My mother loves you."

Camila smiled before biting her lip. "She's a nice woman, reminds me of my mom."

"Have you spoken to her you know,  since." Camila silently shook her head. "I understand."

"Do you?" She asks.

I nod.

"One day you'll be Mrs. Lauren Jauregui."

"That sounds quite tempting but, what if I don't want to be." She asks wrapping her arms my neck, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Why us that?" I ask.

"What if I want you to be Mrs. Camila Cabello?" She asks leaning forward a little more, I turn my head slightly and place a kiss on her lips.

"That's cute babe."

"Yeah.." She licked my earlobe. "But, you're not." She whispered into my ear.

Camila pushed herself from me and walked away. "Hey! You can't do that and not expect me to react back properly."

"Yes I can, Good night Lauren!"


It was April when I officially moved in with Camila. She was six months pregnant with Aiden.

Pregnancy looked good on her, so did being a mother and my future wife.

"He doesn't like you talking to him." Camila complained.

"Uhm, excuse you I'm having a conversation with my son about women. Can you like not?" I joked. "Do you have a better idea then?"

"Yes I do actually." Camila smugly said reaching for her earphones.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" I ask watching her placing one in her ear and the other in mine.

"I'm going to sing whatever song pops up."

The music began to stream into iur ears. "Hey I know this song.." I smiled. " Everybody wanna steal my girl..everybody wanna take her heart away..couple billion in the whole wide world.find another one cause she belongs to me."

The music stops and I glance at Camila who is staring at me like I killed somebody.  "What?"

"I didn't know.."

"Know what?"

"You can sing you jack ass!" She mumbled punching me.

"Ouch." I said rubbing my arm.

"Sing it again." She whispered kissing my cheek .

A/N : Updates after Updates!

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