Chapter 11

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Lauren's Pov

"You wanted to see me?" Emily said, as she stood in my office door way.

"Yeah, come in Emily." I smiled.

She quickly walked in and shut the door behind her.

"How is Camila treating you?" I laughed.

"She's a bitch, honestly." She replied sitting in the chair that was directly in front of where I was sitting on my desk.

"Honesty is the best policy but, why do you say so?"

Camila doesn't even speak unless she's talking to me, Brian or Andrew. It's strange that she even said anything to Emily.

"She doesn't think you're attractive."

"I don't blame her." I smiled. "I agree actually."

"I think both of you are wrong."

"Why is that?"

"Because you are attractive." She says seductively. "Irresistible actually." She says moving my hand across my thigh.

I quickly grabbed her hands and placed them into her lap.

"Thank you for the compliment but, that is very inappropriate Emily." I said clearly my throat.

"Come on Lauren, I've seen the way you look at me in the halls."

"You do realize I've only seen you three times and twice because it was before a session and once because I was leaving for lunch and you coincidentally ended up blocking the exit by bending over?"

"So you were looking?" She asks. "Did you have a nice view?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes and pushing myself back further on my desk, despite the paperwork behind me.

Emily stood up and placed her hands on my thighs tightly. I gulped hard and began praying she would move.

"Lauren, Dr. Andrews-"

That was the last thing I heard before Camila barged in. Camila pulled Emily by her hair, slamming her against the floor. I stood there watching Camila repeatedly ram her fist into Emily's face. Not once did Emily get a chance to hit Camila.

"Camila, that's enough." I said pulling her off of Emily but, she kept kicking her in the face. "Camila, I said that's enough!" I yelled.

Camila stopped and looked at me with so much fear and regret. She ran out of the office leaving the door open.

I help Emily up off the ground. "I guess, I was wrong." Matthew laughed looking at Emily.


"This is bullshit." I mumbled.

"You got yourself in her hot stuff." Peter chuckled.

"Like I wanted to be in here with you."

If I would have known beating the shit out of Emily would have gotten me put in solitary confinement, I would have revised my plan on kicking her ass.

"When are you going to stop pretending you don't want me Camila?"

"When you stop pretending that I want you." I replied.

Peter unlocked the door to my room and walked in shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing get out!" I yelled.

"Nobody can hear you, these walls have so much padding...they're sound proof." He said walking closer to me.

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