Chapter 15

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The whole walk to my office Camila kept mumbling things but, I couldn't quite understand them.

Honestly,  I didn't give two shits if she's angry with me for yelling at her in front of Brian or for me taking her away from her "boyfriend"

"What are you hiding from?"

"Nothing. " She shrugged.

"Bullshit Camila,  don't lie to me."

"Nobody is lying to you Dr. Jauregui. " She smirked.

Why can't she just say it, that's going to help all of us and help me get her the hell out of here.

"Who is the man with the blue tie?" She quickly flinched and backed away from me. "Camila?"

"Leave me alone." She whispers looking down at her feet.

"Camila let me help you."

I began slowly approaching her. I just want to know the truth.

"You can't help someone who can't be saved Lauren."

I watched her run out of my office. Something in me felt like something bad was going to happen.


"You know you're not suppose to outside past eleven thirty right?" He sat down next to me. "It's against the rules."

"Does it look like I get a shit about this place or their rules?"

"I didn't ask you if you did, I was telling you."

"Well thanks for nothing."

"Are you always this nice?" He asks sarcastically.

"Are you always this annoying?" I replied.  "Like who the hell are you?" I snapped.

"I'm Darren but, you already knew that."

"If I knew then I would have never asked you who you were."

I got up from the bench and began heading back inside. That is until I felt someone's calloused hands grab mine causing me to be pulled back , spun directly into their arms.

"Now that I have you, I can get a better view of your gorgeous brown eyes"

"Is that the best line you have?"


He placed one of his hands on my waist moving the other to my neck. He forcefully placed his lips on mine.

"Darren get away from Camila,  she's not interested!" Brian yelled.

Thank God.

"I was just being friendly" He says after biting my lip before slowly pulling away from me.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled smacking him across the face. I felt like I slammed my hand against a concrete wall.

"Mila, she wants to see you again" Brian said holding open one of the double doors for me.

"See you around Camila" Darren grinned.

I groaned and jogged inside, I don't want to see Lauren but, I wanted to get away from that creep.

"I'm going to go check on Danny" Brian said leaving me on my own

"Okay?" I mumbled.

I took the long way going to Lauren's office walking around the ER and the ICU.

I saw something but, I just kept walking.

"Not my business." I smiled walking towards Lauren's office.

I felt something bump into my shoulder.

"What's not your business?"

"Nothing." I smiled.

"You were taking a long time so I came to look for you."

"Well, you found me Lauren."

"I did." She smiled. "Come on, I need to tell you something. " She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"This is unprofessional don't you think?" I ask as we step into her office.

"Aren't you know for breaking rules?" She smirked.

"Camila." She closed the door and locked it.


"I want to share something with you."

A/N : Lauren gotta secret. Lmao , I just watched that Obama speech, I love him, I voted for him but, I don't believe him. If something happens tomorrow,  I kid you not I'm blaming him. I refuse to go through 9/11 twice.

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