Chapter 26

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You know the feeling you get after you cheat death? How, you're suppose to be happy and you have an extreme amount of adrenaline coursing through your veins, so much you don't know what to do? Then, you do something life threatening, the moral of this thought is, no one cheats death twice. Lauren should have let me die. I didn't asked to be saved.

"Camila,  you have a visit." Brian said.

"Why do people visit me so much? I need to be put under the "Don't fucking visit me" list" Brian laughed loudly.

"I'll make a note of that." He smiled. "Hurry up, when you're done,  I want you to meet someone."

"Then, I'll take my sweet time." I giggled.  The look on his face was priceless. "Only kidding."

As we walked into the visiting room it wasn't like the last time, there were quite a few more people than the last two times mainly because the room was empty.

"You know where to find me when you're done. " Brian said.

"What table?"

"Thirteen, you should recognize them." Obviously,  I should if I know them or they know me.

When I got close enough to the table, all I could see was the back of their head. But, that doesn't give me much intel on who the hell they are. As I was inches away from them,  they turned around revealing their  self.

"You." I smiled.


"You remember me?" She asks.

"You revived me." I laughed,  she began laughing with me and it died down slowly. "Why are you coming to visit me?"

"To see how you're holding up."

"I'm okay, I guess." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry about Lauren." She sighed. Lauren should be apologizing to me, not, whoever this woman is but,  I like her. She seems genuine."Since Vanessa..she's been-"

"A jerk? Dickhead? Asshole? Do I need to keep going?"

"I was going to out of her mind but, those work too." She said fixing her hair.

"Just saying how I feel."

"That's more than Lauren ever gets out of you." She replied.

Aren't doctors suppose to have that whole confidential information bullshit clause or something. What? Does she just go around telling the world.

"She talks about me?"

The woman nods. "She cares about you."

"Fucked up ways of showing it." I mumble.

"I said the same thing honey. " She said dramatically. "Lauren is a good person,  she just got off track. Give her a chance"

I know Lauren is a good person,  she's a jackass but, a good person. I basically Facebook blocked her from my life; there's no way of her finding me.

I could , I could have been friends with Lauren,  maybe in a different life, where the ending was great because the script was beautiful but, that's not how it works. Your life comes with invisible instructions and guidelines.

"I don't know um.." This whole encounter had been going on and I didn't know her name. "What's your-"

"Dr. Hansen but, call me Dinah. " She smiled.

I smiled back. "Dinah, as much as I want to Lauren doesn't deserve it." I got up out of the chair. "Thanks again, for saving me."

A/N ; work, please don't ask for another update. 

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