Chapter 56

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I wasn't done packing but, I had gone back to see Camila. She called me about a week ago, she said she had something to tell me.

Honestly,  I thought she was going to tell she never wanted to see me again.

So now I'm here.

"Lauren are you listening?"

"You haven't said anything yet."

"I was about to." She hissed. "I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

I sat there across from her still, I placed my hand over my mouth and stared at her. "Hmm.."

"Is that all you have to say?" She asks, I could tell she was beginning to get upset but,  what was I suppose to do.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Are you being serious?"She yelled.

I couldn't help but, smile. Her reaction was cute. "You're telling me something I already know."

"What do you mean you know?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Well, for starters look at what you're eating.." I said pointing to the pickle inside of the ice cream container. "..And seeing someone a.k.a you said and I quote "We don't need it, whatever happens, happens." And that was a month ago and you're a month in right?"

Camila looked at me baffled. "How do-"

"How do I know that?" She nodded. "I know you Camz better than you think."


Did I say how much of an ass you are Lauren Jauregui. You prance into my life knowing everything about anything and everything.

I don't think I said what she quoted, I was in the moment and all but

"I feel you staring at me." I mumbled.

"Still doing that huh?" Lauren asked .

"Uh huh."

"Why so secretive?" Lauren got up from her seat on the sofa to sit next to me by my desk. "Hiding all your dark secrets?"

"Yes Lauren,  that's exactly what I'm doing." I groaned closing my laptop.

"Hey.." Lauren placed her hand on my thigh. "You don't have to hide from me okay? I'm here, you're here. I'm not going anywhere." She whispered lightly nudging me. "We're in this together. Soon enough we'll be a family."

"So you want to have the baby?" I ask.

"Well duh,  I'm not getting any younger. I love kids. " Lauren wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in closer. "And I think the correct is babies , as in we'll have three."

"With green eyes."

"No, one with green for you,  one with brown for me, and one with both for us. " She replied.

"Is that even possible?" I laced our fingers together.

"Anything is possible,  you know that Camz."

A/N : Sledgehammer got me feeling some type of way about life-and Camila. Dinah looked flawless, Normani was on point , Ally looked like an angel, Camila looked fucking adorable (only way to describe it) Lauren looked...SO FUCKING GOOD-gay moment.  Sorry.  I'm back.

Sledgehammer was good yeah?

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