Beat it Up

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One Year Ago.

It was fight night in Vegas and I was here with my girls who happened to score tickets to see Adonis Creed vs. Fisher for my birthday week. To say as I was nervous was an understatement. I've been following boxing since my pops would watch Rocky's fights when I was a little kid. It was surreal though being able to see them in person and to see the target, Adonis' prey locked in his eyes.

Even as he sat down in his corner with his trainers and Rocky, his eyes never left his opponent's sight.

"That nigga is not gonna make it." My best friend Sandra spoke up. "TKO"

"Creed is seasoned, this is Fisher's first major Pay-per-view fight. This is just a fill in for when Creed fights Drago next year." I looked up and took my plastic cup filled with beer to my lips.

"There's an after party at this nightclub afterwards and I heard Creed is hosting wanna go?"

"Hell fucking yeah, you know the answer was already going to be yes so why'd you even ask?"

"Girl I don't know, you know I already got ya VIP tickets." Sandra smirked and nudged elbows with me.

"And that's why you're my fucking best friend!" I squeaked and hugged onto her tightly, while rocking her back and forth.

After pulling away she straightened out her dress and smiled. "Of course girl you know I got you and hopefully tonight you can finally get some, if you know what i mean."

I rolled my eyes and continued drinking my beer.

"Of course I do—"

"I mean it's been what? 6 or maybe 7 months since you had some good dick in your life?"

"Babygirl, we are not talking about my sex life here in front of all these people!" I whispered loudly and shook my best friends arm.

"It's not my fault you don't get dick on the regular, sheesh! I'm just trying to help my best friend out.  Plus, what's a birthday without getting dicked down?"

"A boring one." We both said together, laughing.  "Besides after your last ex, you deserve some bomb ass dick in your life." Sandra said, watching my eyes turn sad as I thought about my abusive, manipulative ex.

The first ding of the bell started, signaling the first round.  The two opponents pranced around the mat with their fists up, waiting for someone to make the first move.  Cheers rang throughout the arena, as fans chanted for Creed, dousing more fuel into the fire that was Adonis Creed.

30 Seconds into the first round Creed knocked out Fisher with a sucker punch jab across his face. As Fisher's body grew limp, the officials counted him down and held his hand in victory as Rocky cheered in his corner with his trainers.

"That kids got a lot more training to do." Rocky shook his head and laughed.

"A win is a win, regardless and I'll take it. I didn't even break a sweat." Creed chuckled. "Nah, man but it was a great fight and shout out to Fisher's people and to him as well for being in the ring with me. Next time, he'll come back stronger and when he does I'll be ready for a rematch." Creed walked off the ring with his entourage and dapped up a few fans and signed autographs before leaving the arena.

"What did I say?" Sandra crosses his arms.

"Damn, I didn't even get drunk yet and he knocked Fisher out cold."

"I said thirty seconds I should've put fucking money on that shit." Sandra shrugged. "Oh well."

"Let's grab some food before this party I'm starving."

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