Chasing Waterfalls

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As Adonis and I walked on the beach the waves were calming for the both of us as we were mentally preparing ourselves for what we were getting ready to say. My phone vibrated in my pocket as i walked with Adonis stepped aside so that I could get my phone out of my pocket.

Kevin was calling and I looked up at Adonis debating whether or not to take it and decided to leave it ringing so that Adonis and i could get started on our conversation.

"Wow, this may be an all nighter." Bria chuckled.

"I've had enough sleep on the plane so I'm good I'm willing to work things through so that I can get my woman back." Adonis shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up at her.

"What were you really thinking when you first got with me?"

Adonis pauses before he speaks and walks alongside me, listening to the waves crash at the shore.

"You know, initially I thought it was a good idea to get with you because you know, it was Vegas and we're both young people and we were feeling each other and we had sex." He cleared his throat and continued, "I don't know why I hesitated in reaching out to you it was childish to leave you that morning after but I ran because I was in between relationships at the time and I didn't want to drag you down that road...when I found out that you were pregnant I was scared and I was a coward so I didn't let you know that I knew...but you could've went to the press or TMZ, theShadeRoom with everything that you knew but I knew from the moment that I met you that you weren't that type of person. Most women that I meet now a-days they always have their phone just waiting to get a picture with me or they approach me first but with you, I approached you because you were like this mystery to me and being with you has been the best decision that I've ever made in my entire life. You're a strong beautiful woman and an amazing mother, I can only imagine what you're going through mentally since the miscarriage because I feel like shit...but how are you feeling? I know we're behind on our shrink visits..."

"I've been better," I exhaled and inhaled the fresh seawater. "There are some days that are better than others but I don't know how I feel or how I should feel. Depression is weird you know? One day I'm doing fine but then there are other days when I just want to give up but I know I can't. I know there's better days ahead and my baby girl gives me hope. Being with you gives me hope because you're such a great father and I love seeing you with Yara, her big smile with her dimples that are just like yours and her two teeth in the front are so precious. I can't wait to watch her get older because she's my hope. She's what keeps me going during days when I feel like I just want to give up." Bria wipes the corner of her eyes.

"I've had those days too...after my first fight with Drago I went into a depression because I almost lost myself my sense of purpose because I almost died, when I lost that fight but you were there with me every step of the way and I don't think I ever told you how much I appreciate you being there for me when no one else was. You lifted me up during my time of need when I felt like I was afraid to box again...I love you so much and I'm sorry with everything between my mother, Bianca and I has got you questioning your worth but my mother isn't even my birth mother she was just a woman who raised me. You are the most important woman in my life."

Adonis chuckled and stopped walking as soon as they were out of sight of their hotel building.

"Well you and Yara are the most important women in my life." He smiled. "I know that me being in contact with Bianca raises questions that I know you have. Her hearing is slowly deteriorating and she's been going through a lot recently with her new boyfriend. I know I should've told you this before to ease out the situation but you two didn't like each other so I thought it would be best to just to say nothing and thinking back on it now could've saved us a lot less arguments."

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