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"She has a beautiful smile."

Donnie's words rang in my memory. I didn't tell him that this was his baby, I just couldn't yet.  I wanted him to actually have proof that this was his baby girl so I waited for the paternity test results to come back in. 

Yara was with my dad for the day while I got things situated with Donnie.  After dropping her off at his place, I made my way to the boxing gym to meet Rocky, who had the paternity test results on file since they came in earlier this week.  He knew that Donnie was the father, there was no denying that, that was his child..I just couldn't get over the fact that he had been seeing her for the past two weeks and he still had no clue that she is his. 

As I walked into the gym, I pushed my box braids back behind my neck. When I saw Rocky he smiled and gestured me to come into his office while Donnie was training.  Donnie then saw me from the corner of my eye and got jabbed in his stomach for not paying attention.

He groaned and held onto the rope to gain his composure again.  I smiled and swayed my hips, teasing him and walked into Rocky's office. 

"Hey Bria how have you been?" Rocky asked.

"I've been good, actually I got offered another job here in Philly working for a PR and Media company so I'm so excited about that longer hours but more pay which I'm going to need for my baby girl."

"That's good im glad to hear you're doing well for yourself.  So, I have the results and I already read them and of course, Creed is the baby's father." I looked into his eyes as he handed me the manilla folder with the test results in them.

"I had no doubts in my mind that you weren't telling the truth but as you can see, young men are blind they need concrete evidence showing something before they can believe it. I've set aside some time for you and Donnie to meet privately today at my restaurant, it's Maria's Italian Restaurant it's a couple blocks away. Hopefully you two will work things out."

"Thank you for everything." I smiled, and looked up at him.

That evening as I sat at my table patiently waiting for Donnie, I became anxious. My nerves were killing me and I had to calm myself down several times before I had a panic attack. The bell on the door rang and I looked up and saw Donnie walking in with a leather jacket fitted blue jeans and a red sweater. He saw me and walked up to me and sat down in front of me.

There were a few other couples there in the restaurant as well but my concern was Donnie. He took off his jacket and placed it behind his chair.

"Hey, You look nice tonight." He spoke up before ordering a bottle of wine for the table.

"Thank you, likewise." I cleared my throat as he took out his cell phone and started texting on his phone not paying any attention to me.

"I know you're probably wondering why Rocky set this up and what not.." I started.

"My old man thinks this is going to lead into a relationship but it's not. I mean, not unless you want to occasionally fuck then I'm down for that or whatever." He shrugged.

"Remember that night in Vegas? You treated me as if I were loved and you took care of me. I've never experienced that type of emotion before. It was a great night..." I looked up at him, and he showed no emotion in his face.

"Every action has consequences and a couple months later after that night I found out that I was pregnant."

Donnie looked up at me. "If you were down to fuck that first night then that baby was definitely not mine—" He quickly shot down the idea of that baby even being his.

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