Never Have I Ever

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That night after Adonis and I took our time making love, I crept out of bed, slipped on my robe and house shoes to walk out to the balcony of our hotel suite for some fresh air. As I looked out into the city skyline, I reflected on how everything went tonight from Adonis' big win, to dinner and him admitting that he actually loved me, to us having sex it was a lot to take in emotionally but I cherished every moment of it.

It wasn't long before Adonis walked outside shirtless and in nothing but his briefs and wrapped his arms around me to warm up.

"Why don't you come back to bed?" He asked and kissed me on my forehead.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, I just needed some time to think tonight was quite a night." I slightly chuckled and placed my arms around his.

"It was, and I'm glad I got to spend every minute with you." He admitted and gently rested his head against mine.

"I love you, and you know that. It's relieving to hear you confess your feelings for me.  We've truly come a long way." I smiled and intertwined our fingers together.

"We sure have, well I have..." He corrected himself. "I had a lot of growing to do.  I was a coward when you first met me and I was a coward when I first fought Drago, you've shaped me into the man that I am today and for that I am forever grateful." Adonis bent down to kiss me on my cheeks.

"You've matured and maturity takes time.  I'm proud of you." I turned around to place my hands on his chest and look into his eyes.  I placed a kiss on his swollen right eye, then kissed his lips.  He then deepened the kiss and pulled me closer to him.  "You ready for another round?" He asked against my lips.

"I swear my pussy is already sore but since we haven't seen each other in months let's go for another round." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, as he picked my legs up and walked back into the hotel suite to place me on the bed.

Adonis took his time with me during our second round of making love, despite his bruised eye and bruised sides he took over, making sure to pay attention to every inch and curve, and to know that I was genuinely loved.  As my arms were wrapped around his neck, he began to pick up the place deepening his thrusts. 

He encouraged me to look at him while I was in an intense state of pleasure being that I was close to my climax.

"Baby, keep your eyes on me.  That feels good doesn't it?" He asked as he picked up the rhythm of his thrusts.

"Yeah," I choked out.  "Shit..oh God Im close."

He then slid out of me and stood up to reposition us so he could hit it from the back.

"Fuck you feel so good." He gripped onto my hips.  "Arch your back." He coached.

"Yeah just like that." He groaned in pleasure.

As his thrusts began to pick up, I gripped onto the sheets trying to hold onto something, anything to get me through this intense orgasm that I was feeling.  I could feel that he was close too by the steadiness of his thrusts and the pulse of his length inside of me.

His moans were music to my ears and turned me on even more as we rode out our powerful orgasm.

"Ah, fuck shit, that shit is fucking good." He smacked my ass as he slid out of me to throw the condom away. 

"I can't feel anything." I mumbled into the sheets and laid back into the bed.

"That shit is fucking bomb," He yelled from the bathroom as he was relieving himself.  "I wouldn't be surprised if we made Yara a brother or sister tonight I wouldn't even be fucking mad." He flushed the toilet and washed his hands before returning back to where I was.

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