A Little Bit of R&R

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"Think of this as a gift from us Adonis is paying for everything hotel, travel all you need to bring is extra money for food and excursions." Bria sat on the phone with her best friend trying to convince her to go on a trip with her.

"Bria, I can't just pick up everything and leave for two weeks when I have a thriving business here in the heart of downtown. You do realize restaurant week is in four weeks and I have a lot of shit I need to prepare for restaurant week Philly." Sandra spoke as she sat at the bar of her restaurant.

Bria sighed and scratched the side of her arm as she sat in the living room with Yara in her arms who was focused on her teddy bear.

"Please come with us, please this is a once in a lifetime opportunity just think of this as a wedding present or a pre wedding gift from Adonis and I. I would really like my best friend with me...you know what I've been through these past few weeks and we're taking this trip to decompress and to focus on what's important. It's just going to be hella awkward being the only woman in a group full of niggas but with you and Jay there..."

"Are Terrance and Joe coming?" Sandra asked.

Bria nodded her head and sighed. "Yeah, they're coming and they're my friends too and you'll like them although I know Joe gets on your nerves."

"Alright Im in, besides I could use a vacation I'll have my assistant take care of things here while we're away. Now I've got to convince Jay." Sandra chuckled.

"Yesss! I'm so excited this brings me so much joy thank you thank you thank you. Keep me posted on what he says I'll forward you the dates and details of the trip."

"Alright girl—" Sandra saw her employees slacking off and yelled forgetting that they were on the phone. "Aye! What the hell are you mother lovers doing?" She yelled in her thick Barbadian accent. "Girl let me call you back these kids are stressing me out." She ended the call moments later.

Bria chuckled at her best friend and got up to see how Adonis was doing who was currently in his office on the phone with his agent.

With Yara attached to her hip, Bria knocked on the banister before walking in and watched Adonis talk on the phone while he took some notes.

"Thank you for setting everything up man I really appreciate it. Alright I'll call you tomorrow text me if you have any questions. Alright, bye." Adonis hung up the phone moments later.

"Hey baby," Bria smiled when Yara started talking in her baby language to her father when she saw him.

"Hey how's my two favorite girls?" He got up from his chair and placed his pen down on his desk before walking towards Bria to take Yara away from his girlfriend.

He then raised her in the air up and down placing kisses on her cheeks each time she was in front of his face and finally held onto her in his arms as she held onto him. 

"We're doing great and Sandra's in She just sent me a text that Jay is down so we're good to go." Bria smiled and held onto his arm and reached up to kiss him on his lips.

"So the trip Issa go I'm excited, we need this and your pops can he take care of Yara?" He asked as he started to walk out of his office.

She nodded and followed him out of his office. "Mhmm he can he said with the salary you're paying he said 'hell yeah' and he's going to call off the next few weeks at his job." Bria chuckled. 

"Then Jamaica is a go." Adonis smiled.


A few days later after planning the trip everything was ready to go for the trip to Jamaica. Bria's dad arrived to the house to take care of Yara for the next few weeks, and Adonis and Bria boarded the Mercedes Sprinter where the rest of their friends were waiting.

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