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When Bria returned to her suite with Kevin he placed his hand on the wall next to her door as her friends and other guests walked by, blocking her in before she entered the hotel room so that her full attention could be on him.

"This is me." Bria smiled and pulled him in by the collar of his shirt.

Kevin bought his hand down and placed his hand on the small of her back as he looked into her eyes and pulled her close. "you're so tempting to kiss but I'm afraid if I kiss you now we might be rushing things."

He then moved his head downward as if he was going to kiss her but then moved to the side of her face to place a tender kiss on her cheek.

"You have sad eyes, have you always been this way?" He observed and used his free hand to tilt her head up so that she could look at him in his eyes.

Bria looked into him and quickly shook her head as she placed her hand on his chest.  "I-I should go, get ready for dinner... and you should to."

"Okay, that's another conversation for another time I guess." He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Text me when you're ready, I'll meet you." Kevin bent down to place a kiss on her cheek and watched her walk into her room before closing the door. 


As I walked further into the spacious suite the water could be heard from the shower running.   The suite was beautiful, as I walked onto the grey carpeted floors, I was able to fully explore everything the luxurious suite had to offer.  The  interior was modern and sleek, as the tall windows gave you full access to the oceanfront view of Montego Bay.  As I looked out of the window, I watched the calming sunset change the skies to warm pink and orange hues. The shower stopped running and took me out of my trance as I tried to pull my tipsy self together and walked into our bedroom to pull out my clothes for the evening.

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