Something From Nothing

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After taking yet another cold shower, Adonis changes back into his workout clothes and leaves the locker room.  He walks to Rocky's office with his boxing gloves in hand and knocks on the door needing to talk with him about his current situation.  From the other side of the door Rocky yells that it's okay for him to come in and closes the door behind him.

Adonis looks at his uncle trying to put into words what was going on.

Rocky interrupts his train of thought and says, "You need me to wrap your fists up kid?"

"Yes, But I also need to talk to you." Adonis looks down and rocky slowly gets up from his desk to help him wrap his fists up.

"What's on your mind kid?" Rocky picks up a roll of tape and orders him to hold his fists out.

Adonis sighs, "I'm being blackmailed..." He starts as Rocky begins to wrap his hands up.

"By who?"

"I can't say..." Adonis trails off.

"Then how do you expect me to do anything if I can't know who this person is? What exactly did you do?" Rocky holds his nephews hands and throws the empty roll of tape in the trash. He then goes behind his desk to get another roll of tape out of his drawer and makes his way back to Donnie.

"Apparently the night in Vegas before the fight I slept with Tiana but the crazy thing is, is that i don't remember any of it."

"Well that's what happens when you—"

"No, I only had three drinks that night I wasn't drunk! I was saving my energy to be able to propose to Bria. I think I was drugged...because when I woke up after sleeping with I was fine but I don't remember any of it."

"So she took advantage of you? How do you not remember sleeping with someone?" Rocky asks.

"I didn't remember or start seeing flashbacks of that night until I saw the tape two months ago." Adonis truthfully admits.

"Is that why you rushed the wedding?" Rocky asks and cuts the piece of tape off when he's finished wrapping up his fists.

Adonis nods ashamed of himself. "I didn't want to loose Bria I mean, we've worked so hard for our relationship and I'm not about to have it just thrown away. I was scared that if she finds out then she may leave me so I rushed the wedding."

"That was a coward thing of you to do. I know you really love her but you've got to stop acting on impulse. You're going to have to tell her. If you tell her now then you have the upper hand. She will believe you because you are her husband. You were taken advantage of and you were raped. It wasn't consensual so just don't wait till she finds the video somewhere on social media. You have the upper hand now, so use it." Rocky picks up his gloves and helps him out them on. He then opens the door to his office and watches Adonis walk out before following him.

"I'll tell her tonight..." Adonis admits, nervous about how she would react.

"Good, don't ever be afraid to talk to her she loves you and she would never do anything to hurt you."

Adonis nods as he stands on the outside of the ring in the main part of the gym. "We're going to work on your speed and reflexes today. Come on get in the ring." Rocky instructs and watches him climb through the ropes to get on the mat. He then jumps up and down in place to get his body warmed up and bangs his fists together ready to begin training.

Adonis then sits down on the small stool in the corner of the ring to let Rocky put in his mouth guard before they start training. "I want you to channel that anger and that energy in practice today, okay?"

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