Just a Dream

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Added a song just for this chapter take a listen, enjoy.

Bria gasped panting and sweating profusely from her dream.  She sat up looking around the  hotel room and turns next to her to see Adonis Creed was still laying next to her naked from the passionate night that they just shared in Vegas.  She covered her chest and reached out to pick up her phone off of the nightstand.  She checks the time on her phone read 3:45 am Sunday September 19th 2017. 

"You talk in your sleep." Adonis groans with his face still buried deep in a pillow.  "You okay?"

Bria nods almost crying because the dream felt so real. 

"What's wrong?" Adonis turns around and gestures her to lay back down. 

"I just had the strangest dream...it felt so real.  I could've sworn..."  Bria sniffles frustrated and wipes her eyes. "Fuck, it was just a dream?"

"Tell me what happened, I must've been in it cause you said my name more than once. Adonis...Adonis..." Adonis mocks her, trying to contain his laughter and pulls her close to him.

Bria playfully hits him across his chest rolling her eyes, rolling her eyes at his playful banter.

"Don't laugh at me but...we were married we had two kids a boy and a girl.  I dreamt that I was pregnant after a one night stand with you and you left me to raise my baby girl alone.  Our relationship wasn't perfect we'd constantly argue about petty shit.  You were still in love with your ex while you were with me and that caused a lot of problems for us."

"So, I was just an 'ain't shit' nigga hu?" Adonis chuckles rubbing his eyes.  "Did you want the dream to be real?"

"Yes and no...yes because we had two of the most beautiful kids and no because all we'd ever do was argue I damn near lost my life like twice.  Damn it I can't believe that all of that was a dream."

"Must've fucked you real good hu?  You tapped out after the third round." Adonis smirks, chuckling.

"Fuck, that was some bomb ass sex...I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day." Bria mumbles, rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes.

"But can I tell you something?" Bria looks up at him through the dimly lit room. "I actually really like you and although I just got out of a relationship not that long ago...I'd like to spend some more time with you getting to know you." Adonis admits truthfully gazing into her eyes.

"My pussy was that good hu?" Bria chuckles and lies back down facing him.

"Alright now you got too much dip on ya chip babygirl." Adonis jokes, as the two break out into a fit of laughter.

"I'd like to get to know you too." Bria laughs and watches him lean in for another kiss.

"Remind me to get you a plan B in the morning. Cause fuck it I wanna go in for another round." Adonis says, pulling her in closer.

"Duly noted." Bria chuckles and kissing him against his lips.

Around noon that same day, Bria steps out of bed to use the bathroom. Her phone vibrates on the nightstand and reads that Sandra was calling. Once she was inside the bathroom relieves herself and washes her hands after she was done. She calls back Sandra and looks at herself in the mirror and could see the hickeys that Adonis left across her neck and body. She groans and rubs her eyes as she waits for her best friend to pick up.

"Bitchhhh, I hadn't heard from you since last night is this nigga holding you captive or some shit?" Sandra says sighing in relief that her best friend was okay.

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