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A few weeks had passed since Bria and Adonis' trip to London.  Bria was now entering the eighth month of her pregnancy.  Being that she was now eight months, she was now on maternity leave from the gym and was able to spend more time with Adonis and Yara as she prepped for the baby's arrival.  She was now holding in her hands a custom necklace that she got for Adonis, one that was similar to one that his father wore back in the eighties and places the small gold chain which held two boxing gloves in the center of the chain. 

She was able to get it from his mother after pulling a few strings and nearly begging to get for his birthday and in celebration of his latest win.  She had the necklace engraved 'Adonis, Apollo, & Aali' on each glove hoping that it would cheer up his spirits after the past few months of grueling hard work and arguing from their end.

After boxing and putting a bow around his birthday gift, Bria goes into the kitchen to start making dinner because she knew he'd be home anytime soon.  She felt bad for everything that she's put him through with her raging hormones and bringing old shit up which caused problems for the both of them.  As promised, Adonis remained distant to not upset or trigger her hormones. 

He spent the day with Yara, and would be returning any moment now.  For his birthday, Adonis requested her southern fried whiting, mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans.  To get in the mood for cooking, she turned on the Amazon Alexa and rapped along to J Cole's 'KOD' album which was one of her favorites.

She washed her hands and began to cut the already washed ends off of the string beans, prepping them so that they could be made. 

Today was his cheat day, and being the foodie he is, loved it when Bria threw down in the kitchen. 

By the time Adonis got home, Bria was almost done with the mashed potatoes, and finished with everything else. 

"Ooh it smells heavenly in here." Adonis' mouth watered as he walked into the kitchen holding a sleeping Yara in his arms and walked over towards her to greet her with a kiss. 

"Hey baby," Bria smiles and gets the plates out to plate the food for her and Adonis.  "My baby is knocked out, you two must've had a busy day." Bria giggles and kisses her cheek while she was asleep.

"We did she already ate though, she ate at pops house before getting here so she's good.  I'm going to bathe her and make sure she's clean for bed we've been running around all day." He chuckles and and walks out of the kitchen to get her ready for bed. 

While Adonis was away, Bria plates their food and sets the table in a romantic setting and dims the lighting.  She then lights the candles  on the table and blows out the match before putting it away.

Adonis makes his way back to the dining room table and sees the beautiful arrangements around him.  Bria smiles and watches him sit down in front of her and adjust himself in his seat. 

"Everything looks delicious thank you baby." He leaned across the table to kiss her.

"You're welcome," Bria smiles and picks up bed fork to begin eating. 

"How was your day?" Adonis asked with his mouth full as he put a piece of fish in his mouth.

"It was fine, I got some much needed rest and I went out to the store got some groceries and came back home, prepped dinner and now here we are.  I've just had really bad Braxton Hicks lately like it's getting worse and it's keeping me up at night." Bria says before shoving her mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Is there anything that I could do to ease the pain?" Adonis asks, concerned.

"No not really they're just false labor contractions there's nothing you can do about that.  Unless you got any morphine on you?" Bria teases.

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