Mama Mia

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Since our first meeting when Donnie found out that he had a daughter, he's been there for her catering to her every need. The two have been inseparable like two peas in a pod. Donnie and I's personal relationship on he other hand is still kind of rocky to say the least. He still thinks that I'm using this baby as a gateway to get to him and still acts cruel to me every time I'm around.  So I just stay in my lane, not wanting to cause anymore issues than there already are.

Today, we were on a flight to Los Angeles to visit Donnie's mother in California because she was, and he quotes 'eager to get to know me and her granddaughter and to find out my true intentions'. So, here I was sitting on a chartered flight right across from Donnie looking out the window taking in the aerial sights below. As I looked in front of me, Donnie was sitting in his seat with his Beats headphones blasting the latest Lil Wayne album as he scrolled through his social media feed on his phone.

A ding from the control panels above us told us to put on our seatbelts as we were landing.

"This is private airways flight one, your flight is now safely landing in sunny Los Angeles, California the local time is 3:15pm thank you for traveling with us and we hope to see you all again. Please stand clear for further instructions."

"You ready?" Donnie asked me as I gathered my things around me.

I nodded, as I placed a blanket over Yara's car seat to cover her from the sun.

"Security's got the bags don't worry about that, just grab the diaper bags your purse and I've got Yara." He stood up once we landed and put away his things so that he could get Yara.

Once we were off the plane, security was loading up our Cadillac SUV with our luggage. Adonis then made his way to the other side of the car to buckle Yara in without waking her up. Once she was in, he checked the seatbelt again for safety reasons and made his way to the passenger side of the car while I got in next to Yara.

When we arrived to his mothers house, I was astonished at how gorgeous everything was and we were just on the outside of the house. I suddenly felt underdressed in my skinny jeans blouse and black heels that Donnie suggested that I wore, while he just went with a black fitted long sleeve shirt, jeans and black loafers.

He looked at me and looked up at the sky as if he was disappointed that he was bringing me home. I suddenly felt insecure and unsure about myself as an older woman who looked like she was in her mid fifties opened the door and smiled when she saw her son. Adonis then embraced her in a hug nearly lifting her off of the ground.

The two were genuinely excited to see each other, but her whole mood changed when she saw me. "This must be your baby mama, Bria right? Donnie's told me a lot about you." She offered her hand but quickly rejected it wiping her hand on her clothes to play it off.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Creed." I politely smiled.

"I wish I could say the same to you." She walked further into the house leaving Donnie and I standing in the doorway.

"Don't just stand there, come in before you let in flies." she spoke up.

After catching up with the two, I nervously sat down next to Donnie and placed the car seat next to me. I nervously fiddled with my fingers as I watched her pour herself and Donnie a glass of whiskey before she sat back down.

"Thanks ma." Donnie took the glass of whiskey and took a swig go help prepare himself for what his mother was about to say to his baby momma.

"So, you're the infamous Bria Stevens." She sat down on the couch and smoothed our her clothes.

"Yes ma'am it's finally nice to meet you."

"Mhnm," she held onto the glass in her hands. "Are you in love with my son?"

I looked at her and then back at Donnie as I nervously laughed wiping my sweaty hands on my clothes.

"Well, I-I'm not in love with your son, and quite frankly I'm not sure if i have love for him either."

"Then why did you decide to keep the baby?" She interrogated me.

"Because, I-I didn't want to feel alone anymore. I feel like I have purpose to wake up every day now. I grew a bond with her when she was inside of me and even though everyone questions her existence she still deserves love. That's why I wanted to find Donnie not because of money or fame but I knew my family didn't approve of any of my actions...I know that now no one does, but it didn't hurt to try to find him and now here I am." I nervously spoke.

She hesitated before she spoke and took a long sip of her drink."When people decide that they don't want to be alone anymore, they get a companion. A dog, a pet or a boyfriend or girlfriend but no one just decides that they want to keep a baby. You wanted something from him, something from us because you knew that he could provide for you. Am I correct?"

"N-No it's just.." I stuttered.

"You were hoping that he'd magically fall in love with you and he'd take care of you for the rest of your life?" She cynically chuckled. "My son doesn't date whores so you can take you and your bastard child and get out of my house."

Without hesitating, I picked up Yara's car seat with tears streaming down my face and gathered as much as I could to walk out of the huge mansion by myself.

Before I could leave, Donnie caught up with me and pulled my arm to stop me from leaving.

"Let go of me! Donnie Let got of me now. I'm calling an Uber." I took out my phone to call a cab service.

"I knew coming here was a bad idea, my gut told me so. I don't even know why I agreed to this." I finally broke down in front of him. "I'm not a bad person i swear, I'm just trying to do the right thing. Ever since I had Yara my life's been going downhill. It feels like hell.  I feel so alone."

"My mom shouldn't have talked to you like that and I'm sorry if that made you feel some type of way. She's just...over protective of me." He rubbed my back as I cried into his chest.

"I can't do this alone Donnie, please I need you in my corner. Please if not for my sake then for Yara's sake." I looked up at him.

Donnie looked at me and placed a kiss on my forehead before walking back into his moms house.


"Hey," Donnie found his mom still sitting in the same room where he left her earlier.

"Bria and I are gonna go stay at a hotel." Mary Anne looked up at him confused as to why he was leaving.

"What why?"

"Because you disrespected her that's why."

"You know you're a real piece of work. How do you downgrade yourself from such a wonderful woman like Bianca to a whore you met at a nightclub in Vegas?"

Donnie sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's the mother of my child and she doesn't deserve to be disrespected in any way. You disrespect her, you're disrespecting my child and I won't stand for it. We may not be getting along but that's our business, not yours. If you need anything call me, I'll be in LA for a few weeks because it's the holidays."

Donnie then walked back outside to where I was and called his driver to come to pick us up. On our way to the hotel, there was an awkward silence between the two of us. I looked up at him and observed him as he watched the buildings pass us by.

"Why'd you decide to come with us?"

"I'm not about to leave the mother of my child and my child alone in a huge city like LA by yourselves. My mom was out of pocket for the way that she was treating you. Even though we don't get along you don't deserve to be treated like that. You've done nothing wrong and I'm sorry for all the pain that I've caused you."

I looked up at him and rested my head in the side of his shoulder. "Thank you."

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