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After the fight the crew had a late night celebratory dinner at a black owned restaurant which was located not too far from the hotel.  As the crew sat at their reserved section at the restaurant Bria felt prideful to be Adonis' wife and proud of his achievements thus far. 

"Have you two thought about any baby names yet?" Terrance asked as he cut a piece of steak off. 

"Mhm, we have but we haven't really decided on anything yet." Bria said covering her mouth as she ate her food. 

"Aali is what we're leaning towards though," Adonis speaks up.

"After the great Muhammad Ali, but with two A's." Bria smiles and looks at Adonis as she takes another bite of her food.

"Aali Johnson Creed...I like the sound of that." Adonis chuckles and kisses Bria on her cheek. 

"But we might change it in between now and May." Bria smiles. 

"You ready for baby number two?" Joe asked, before bringing his glass of wine to his lips.

"I'm ready for baby number three, four, and five.  I want a whole clan of Creeds running around the house." Adonis chuckled as Bria rolled her eyes. 

"We're stopping after three, that's enough kids in the house." Bria snickers and drinks some of her virgin piña colada.

"I'll convince you to have a fourth kid just wait.  I have my ways of persuasion." Adonis smirks and places his hand on her thigh and traces his fingers alongside her inner thigh sending chills down her spine.

Joe's face scrunches in disgust and takes another sip of his wine.

"I swear I can't take this being single shit." Joe mumbles.

After dinner, Adonis and Bria stumbled back into their hotel room making out and could barely keep their hands off of each other. Adonis kicked the door shut behind him as Bria nearly ripped his shirt off as soon as they were inside.

"That was one of my favorite shirts," Adonis says as Bria kisses against his lips.

"I'll buy you a new one." Bria responds as she sits on the bed and leans against it watching him remove the rest of his clothes.

"Now you know what it feels like when you rip my favorite underwear." Bria teases and undresses in front of him.

"It's been how long since we fucked?" Adonis asks, and positions himself in between her legs.

"Three weeks but it feels like an eternity." Bria responds and pulls him on top of her nearly catching him off guard.

"You're feisty I love it." Adonis smiled and kisses her again before pulling away.

"I'm horny, my hormones have been on overdrive." Bria responds as she watches him lick and kiss along her bust. He then nibbles on her breasts like she usually likes but gently pushes him away.

"Can't do that right now my nipples are hyper sensitive." She says, watching Adonis make a confused face.

"So I can't suck on your titties?" Adonis pouts, and watches Bria give him a face.

"Just give me that shit I miss." Bria says seductively and watches him spread her legs apart so that he could get a taste of what he was missing.

"Awee you missed me," Adonis teased at how wet she already was and proceeded to eat her out.

After nearly three rounds later, Bria and Adonis both laid in bed panting, trying to catch their breath. Bria then gets up from the bed to use the bathroom to get ready for bed. While in the bathroom after her shower, she slips on a night gown and looks at herself in the mirror to see the changes that her body had made.

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