Two Can Play At That Game

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Bria and Sandra sat by the beach as Bria cried in her shoulder while she told her everything that happened between them.

"I think Adonis wants to break up with me," Bria wipes the corner of her eyes and tries to calm herself down.

"What? What makes you think that?"

"He still talks with his ex and he never told his mom that I was pregnant. If he feels like he can't talk to me then why would I want to be with him if we can't do the basic thing that holds relationships together. Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad if he broke up with me we can always co parent and I have enough money saved so I can move out. I'm just in so much stress it's overwhelming."

"Donnie's a fucking asshole if he lets you go. You two were so in love just a few weeks ago, what do you think happened?" Sandra tried to figure out what went wrong.

"The lies and not being accepted by his family and Bianca...I just don't know how much more of this I can take. This has taken a toll on my body."

"Well, we could both definitely use a massage, would you like that? Let's cheer you up and stop babysitting your drink." Sandra handed Bria her fruity cocktail and watched her down the rest of it.

As the two friends continued talking, Adonis and his friends finally joined the two women on the beach.

Bria and Sandra got up off of their beach towel and dusted the sand off of their backsides. Adonis walked up to her and could see the sadness in her eyes.

"The Yacht is ready we're going to head to the dock."

Bria quietly nodded and bent back down to grab the rest of her things with Sandra before they walked off.

As the group of friends boarded the Yacht with a few other women that Joe and Terrance picked up, Bria sat by the bar on the luxurious boat as the server started taking her request.

Adonis looked at her from afar and could tell that she was fighting sadness while she was here. He excused himself from Joe and the group of girls to walk up to his girlfriend and placed his hand on the small of her back. She politely thanked the bartender and downed her two shots of tequila to shake her out of her funk.

"You okay?" Adonis asked.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" Bria pinched the bridge of her nose and ordered another round of shots.

"Make that four shots whatever she's having," Adonis instructed the bartender. "I know what I said was pretty harsh earlier.."

"Is that really how you feel? That we're not meant to be together because it's okay. I'll be fine regardless with or without you. So if you don't want to be with me or that you think I'm a burden then just set me free." Bria sniffled as she took another shot of her tequila. "I don't want to feel like an obligation to you like you have to be with me because of Yara." Bria wipes the corner of her eyes. "It's okay." She quietly mumbled.

"Initially I did get with you because you know we have a child together but over time I developed genuine feelings for you and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel as if you don't matter, you mean everything to me it's just that we keep going through this same pattern of fighting and it's toxic I know it is because I just can't help but feel guilty for causing you to loose the baby." Adonis hesitated and took a shot of tequila.

"There was a lot going on at the time you shouldn't take the blame for what happened to our baby." Bria sighed and watched him sit down in the seat next to her.

"I don't want us to give up because in the midst of all this mess I know that there's happiness, the reason why we stayed together in the first place. I love you, you know I do and I'm willing to work for us because don't we deserve to be happy and in love? I know it can be done we can work through this." Adonis leaned in to kiss her on the lips. 

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