Ready or Not

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Over the course of the next few days, Bria sat in her office or whenever she had free time, daydreaming about the different possibilities of working for herself. She sketched and outlined her five year plan and vision board, mentally preparing herself for the next few years. Adonis was still in excruciating pain since his ribs were fractured and Bria had to help him do little everyday things to get him going.

Bria was now in the bathroom, helping him shower and clean his body carefully because the slightest wrong movement could send him in agonizing pain. As she stood in the shower while he sat on the shower bench, she meticulously cleaned his upper body off, he held onto her thigh while she cleaned him for support. He playfully palmed her ass watching it jiggle as she tried to clean him off.

"Babe, What are you doing?"

"Watching your shit bounce." Adonis shook her ass again as she rolled her eyes at his sexual playful banter and rinsed out the soapy residue from his wash cloth.

"You know we can't have sex until you're fully healed so I don't even know why in the world you keep teasing yourself."

"That head the other night was fucking think you could do it again?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"Not right now I have to get ready for the wedding which is this evening. Are you coming?"

"Uh, Yeah I just can't really do shit. I can get around in a wheel chair but Joe or Terrance are going to have to help me since you'll be in the wedding." Adonis explained.

"Okay." Bria said turning the water off and stepped outside of she shower to dry herself off and wrapped the towel around her upper body to return back to Adonis with his towel and helped him dry him off. Bria was physically tired from dealing with not one but two babies in the house now that Adonis had to readjust to his limited mobility. As she was drying off Adonis, the sounds of Yara crying could be heard coming from the baby monitor.

"I've got to go, don't move I'll be right back."
Bria immediately stopped what she was doing and excused herself to see what was wrong with their daughter.

After tending to her daughter, changing and feeding her, Bria quickly got dressed and strapped Yara in her baby carrier around her upper body and helped Adonis moisturize himself and put his clothes on. 

"Baby why don't we hire an in home nurse or a nanny for Yara.  You look exhausted." Adonis looked at his fiancé , whose eyes were struggling to stay open, and slowly got up with her and limped to the bedroom and carefully sat down before he over exerted himself. 

"I'm fine I just need some sleep or coffee.  I feel like I can handle it." Bria said as she placed her hand on Yara's back as she teethed on one of her teething toys.

"Mama," Yara held the toy up and shook her toy in front of her face.

"I know baby mommy sees you." She chuckled. "Is it good for your gummies? You feel good?"

"You're going to over exert yourself Bria you're going to crash and I feel like that's mostly my fault." Adonis admitted, as he watched his fiancé take out her clothes that she was going to wear to the wedding and zipped up the protective cover.

"I told Sandra last night that I couldn't go to the bridal shower because I had to take care of you and Yara so, I missed out on that so that I could get some extra sleep, but that didn't happen. Yara was up almost all night because her gums were bothering her and I heard you crying or whimpering you in your sleep because you're in pain and moved the wrong way. Both my babies are in pain and I feel like I have to do everything that I can to help you two feel better. I've got a full day ahead so, Tiana is going to be here to help out around the house a little and help you." Bria pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked into the closet to pull out the hardly worn wedding shoes that she's going to wear to the wedding.

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