Awkward Meetings

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8 Months Ago. 3 Months Pregnant.

As I was standing in front of the mirror I could see the slight changes that my body made since I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know how to tell my father, I was scared and alone. Tonight Adonis Creed was going to be at an event tonight in Philly and I was going to try to tell him that I was pregnant.

His ex girlfriend Bianca would be playing downtown at a jazz club so I invited my best friend Sandra for moral support. She was the only one that knew. As I stood in the mirror, I pulled my sweater back down and put my combat boots on. Before leaving my room, I grabbed my coat before meeting Sandra in the living room.

"You ready to go babygirl?"

I nodded and picked up my purse off of the table and put my phone in my bag.

"Let's go before I puke my guts out." I sighed before I locked up my place and followed Sandra to her car.


When we arrived to the club it was surprisingly packed. For a local artist, Bianca gained a huge following on social media. When we sat at the table to eat, I constantly looked around paranoid that I would run into Donnie.

"What if he doesn't even remember me?" I panicked.

"He's going to remember you don't worry." Sandra reassures.

"I mean what if he humiliates me and shuns me? What if the sex was horrible...oh God I think I'm going to puke." I covered my mouth and placed my coat on my chair before running to the women's bathroom to throw up.

I got on my knees and continued to throw up until I was finished.

"Baby girl you okay?" An unknown voice asked.

"Why the fuck do they call it morning sickness if you can get it anytime of the day." I flushed the toilet and hovered over the toilet before exiting the stall. I wiped away a few stray tears and fixed my face before walking out.

"You're pregnant?"

"Three months." I admitted not really feeling well.

"Ohh congratulations you must be excited." Bianca smiled before drying her hands on a paper towel.

"If it makes you feel better I threw up on my first audition with a music producer. It was pretty bad but it's a funny story now that i think about it." She chuckled.

"That's awful." I laughed.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Bria, it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." She smiled.

As I washed my hands, I cupped my hands and rinsed my mouth out with water. Bianca then reached into her bag and pulled out a mint.

"Closest thing to mouthwash." She smiled.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"It doesn't hurt to make someone's day. I hope you enjoy the show tonight." She smiled and walked off.

During the middle of the show, I could see Donnie towards the side of the stage watching her perform. He kept his eyes on her the entire night like a proud father watching his daughter play sports for the first time. I watched as her eyes never left his as she was singing to him.

"This next song is dedicated to the young woman that I met in the restroom before the show. Women we really go through a lot of shit you know? Our bodies constantly changing, and this beautiful woman was blessed with the gift of life. Here we go." She smiled at me when she found me in the audience.

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