Donnie's Thoughts

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Vegas Night. Donnie's Point of view.

The woman that I met back in Vegas still lingered on my mind.  I don't know why, I've had plenty of one night stands before but this one was different.  I can easily remember that night as if it were yesterday.  When she fell asleep, I put back on my clothes and slipped out of her room before she could wake up.  I intentionally left without a trace so that we could just go on with our lives.  She was a sweet woman but not the one for me. 

After I got back to my hotel room, my friends were asleep in their bedrooms and I quickly took a shower so that I could catch a few z's.  The next morning I got dressed for the day and packed up my things to head to the airport to board our flight. 

While in our Mercedes sprinter, I looked out the window while flashbacks from last night replayed in my mind.

"Bro we didn't see you come in last night, did you smash?" Joe spoke up.

"Yeah I fucking smashed." I bragged.

My friends' gassed me up as I spoke. 

"How was the sex? She fuck good bruh?" Joe asked.

"She was bad as fuck and the sex was fucking incredible." I bragged even though I felt bad for leaving without saying goodbye.

"My nigga," Joe dapped me up. "So is this your new bae or nah I thought you were trying to work things out with Bianca? Or is that a no.."

"I didn't even leave Bria anything to call me back by I just fucked and dipped while she was asleep. She'll understand I mean she agreed to it so I have nothing to worry about."

"That's harsh man." Joe felt sympathy for Bria.

"Anyways Bianca wants to try to work things out so I'm going to think about it then hopefully we can work out our issues and get back together. Bianca doesn't have to know who I fucked when we were separated." I shrugged and looked out of the window.

"Hey kid you've gotta be mindful of how you treat other women. That shit is going to come back and haunt you," Rocky spoke up.

"I'll be fine trust me." I responded confidently.

"Karma waits for no one." Rocky mumbled.


My subconscious was eating me alive when I saw Bria tonight at my girlfriend's show. She looked beautiful and was naturally glowing. I observed her from a distance while Bianca was on stage. She looked worried and frightened while everyone else around her was trying to have a good time.

During the show, Bianca told a story of a woman that she met in the restroom who was pregnant. I looked over towards Bria and pieced two and two together. But, it could be mines right? It could also be anyone's. My eyes continued to focus in Bianca but my mind was elsewhere. I could potentially be a father.

After the show, Bianca met with a few fans and took picture while I waited off to the side or took them. Only true boxing fans knew who I was and I'm thankful I'm only on that level of fame right now. When I saw Bria a few feet away from me, she looked beautiful. Her natural curls fell on the side of her shoulders. She had a small baby bump so she couldn't be no more than three or possibly four months pregnant.

Bianca then recognized the woman and walked past security to greet her.  The two hugged and she placed her hands on her baby bump excitedly. 

"Hey, you're the woman that I recognized in the restroom earlier, How'd you enjoy the show?"

"It was great I wanted to thank you for dedicating that song to me it's a beautiful song." Bria smiled as she held onto Bianca's hands.

"Bria right?"

She nodded.

"You're welcome, I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy." Bianca smiled.

"Do you mind if I get a picture with you all individually?" Bria asked.

"No I don't mind sure, here don't forget to tag me so I can follow you." Bianca smiled.

After taking pictures with Bianca and J Cole, Bria I posed for a photo. "Didn't we meet in Vegas at the Fisher fight?" She spoke up.

"You two know each other?" Bianca asked.

"We may have met before but I don't remember, I meet a lot of fans and Vegas was really a blur." I chuckled and denied ever meeting. I could sense the hurt and disappointment in her eyes, she faintly smiled.

"Yeah well I guess it was great seeing you again. I sighed.

"You know what they say, what happens in Vegas..."  I trailed off.

"Stays in Vegas.." she quietly mumbled.

After we left Bianca held onto my hands and smiled as she kissed my lips. While we were kissing, all I could think about was the fact that I am now a father.

"Thanks for coming out to my show tonight Donnie baby." Bianca chuckled.

"You're welcome, you know I'm proud of you right?"

"And I, you." Bianca chuckled. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine I," I trailed off and heard someone walk out from behind us. It was Bria and Sandra and the two walked past us as Sandra was comforting her best friend who was crying.

"Donnie, you okay?" Bianca asked.

"We need to take some time off. I thought I was ready for a relationship but I can't do this Bianca and I don't want you to wait for me."

"What? Donnie are you fucking serious? I may he hard of hearing but it just sounded like you're breaking up with me."

"You heard correctly."

"Wow," Bianca backed away from me. "I don't know why I had thought that you were ready."

"I was ready several months ago but you cheated on me." Yeah, I was being petty.

"Oh Donnie this again?"

"Yes! This again! Bianca I fucking loved you and you cheated on me!"

"You never said that you loved me.." Bianca sighed and looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"I've always had love for you and I'm sorry i just can't do this anymore. I need some time on my own."

"Where is all of this coming from?" She asked.

"Back in Vegas I met this woman who was enchanting. She had these big beautiful brown eyes and rich melaninated skin and naturally curly hair. We slept with each other and now she's pregnant, she didn't tell me but I figured it out indirectly." I finally admitted.

"Wait," she interrupted. "The woman at the jazz club?" She pieced the two of us together and pinched the bridge of her nose.

I nodded and looked down. "I left after that night we had in Vegas and she's been trying to get in contact with me ever since she found out. I have her messages on my Instagram if you want to see them. I've been ignoring her because I don't even know how to be a great father. And to be honest im fucking scared I'm sorry, I need time to clear my head. There's too much going on, I hope you'll understand."

"You know you're really a piece of work.  Go fuck yourself Donnie. Maybe then you wouldn't knock up innocent women and leave them stranded and alone."

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked.

"No, I drove here. You didn't so I hope you can find a ride home fuckboy." Bianca shook her head and walked off to the parking lot near the venue.

I then took my phone out of my pocket and ordered an Uber to pick me up and take me home. This was going to be a long night with just me and my thoughts.

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