Apple and Sunflower

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Months had passed and Bria's morning sickness got easier. Her appetite was slowly getting better along with her baby bump was slowly growing. She was now four months pregnant and Adonis was amazed at how much her body had drastically changed over the past few months. Her breasts were fuller and her hips widened and he was loving every minute of it. Bria on the other hand had to get used to this new look and even though Adonis complimented her every single day, she still felt some type of way.

At the gym, Bria walked in through the main entrance and saw Adonis practicing his speed on a punching bag and held onto the bag when he saw his girlfriend walk in. She walked to Rocky's office and knocked onto the door.

"Come in." She heard through the door and followed.

"Hey Unc." Bria walked in and closed the door in behind her.

"How's my favorite niece doing?" Rocky smiled and got up to help her.

"I'm doing fine I'm just here to request to be put on part time staffing. As you can see I'm pregnant and my doctor wants me to be stress free as possible. You know I love you and this job but it's not healthy for the baby." Bria leaned against the doorframe.

Rocky nodded and took out a notepad to take down some notes. "That's fine with me, we'll reduce your schedule to four days a week Monday through Thursday morning shift and Sara will pick up your shift on the weekens."

Bria nodded attentively and smiled. "Thank you Rocky." Bria smiles and walks over to him to give him a hug.

"No problem you're pregnant and you're family you know I'm always going to take care of you guys kid." Rocky responded.

"It's Friday so does the new part time thing work now? Or on Monday?" Bria asked trying to get out of work to go back to Yara.

"You trying to get away from me so soon?"

"Not you necessarily but work." Bria laughed.

"It's fine enjoy hour weekend one of our interns will pick up your shift until Sara gets here. I'll see you at Yara's party on Saturday."

"You're the best see you later Unc!" Bria hugged onto Rocky and kissed his cheek.

"I know." He smiled and watched Bria leave moments later.

Back in the main floor of the gym, Bria saw Adonis jumping rope and glistening in sweat. She walked next to him to watch him workout and smiled when he caught her attention from the corner of her eye. He averted his attention towards her and smiled when she watched him stop the rope with his foot and placed the rope down.

Adonis easily picked her up and she screamed because she was getting wet from his sweat. "Ewe! You could've at least waited to take a shower first." Bria wrapped her arms around his neck to hold onto him.

"I wanted to hold you, I can't hold you?" He smiled and showered her with kisses.

"Give me a warning first next time." Bria smiled and kissed him.

"Aye, get a room some niggas are still single." Joe walked off of the mat to walk towards the couple.

"And by some niggas do you mean you? Nigga" Adonis mocked him, causing Bria to chuckle.

"Shut up, hhat's up D, Bria it's good to see you again."

"Hey Joseph!" Adonis finally put Bria down and she walked over to Joe to give him a hug.

"How's my little niece or nephew?" Joe asked and returned his hug.

"They're giving me hell.  I can't sleep and this morning sickness isn't helping.  Why the hell do they call it morning sickness when it can happen literally any time of the day? I get these weird cravings like pickles and peanut butter and I'm always in the mood for Chick Fil A But ever since I got pregnant it's like my craving for it spiked!"

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