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Filler chapter enjoy y'all.

When Donnie was released from the hospital, there were reporters and paparazzi already lined up outside of the hospital with their cameras flashing ready to get a sound bite for their news stations and media outlets. I handed him his shades to cover up his not only bruised eye, but his eyes from the glaring lights from the cameras flashing off.

"You ready?" I exhaled and held onto the handles on his wheel chair.

He nodded and put his shades back on.

His security guards cleared the area for us to walk through the paparazzi lined up outside. I pushed us through the crowd of people completely ignoring the questions paparazzi asked and helped Danny, Adonis his security guard, carefully lift him up into his Mercedes Sprinter. He groaned in pain at the slightest movement and I quickly folded the wheelchair to put it inside of the vehicle.

Creed do you ever plan on fighting Drago again for a rematch?

Adonis who is this woman with you? Is she your girlfriend?

Adonis are you really the heavy weight champion of the world?

I closed the door blocking the sounds coming from the reporters. I looked at him and held onto his hand, lightly caressing the outside of it with my thumb.


"I fucking hate this," Donnie winced in pain and slowly got up to use the bathroom.

"You need help?" I spoke up and tried to help him.

"I've got it."  Donnie used the walker that was by his bedside to help him navigate to the bathroom.  He was in excruciating pain and I could tell just the slightest movements irritated him.

As he was releasing himself, his urine turned red from his bruised kidneys that hadn't fully healed. After he was done, he flushed the toilet and slowly walked to the bathroom counter to wash his hands. While he was washing his hands, he turned the faucet off with his dripping wet hand and looked at himself in the mirror.  For the first time in a long time, he was able to examine himself and the damages that were made to his body.  He felt ashamed at his immobility and felt grateful for Bria being in his life. 

The sounds of Yara crying took him out of his trance and quickly wiped his hand on a bath towel before leaving to go back into his bedroom. 

"I'll leave the room to get her settled, she's probably hungry."

"No, no she's fine." Donnie winced as he got settled back in bed again.

"You don't mind me breast feeding her?"

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." He chuckled.

"You're right." I chuckled and bought my shirt down to adjust myself so that she'd be comfortable when I'd feed her.  Yara looked at the both of us with her mouth latched onto my breast and felt at ease. 

It was in that moment that Donnie knew what he had to live and get better for.

Three weeks had passed, and Donnie was now able to walk again but slowly, thanks to the help of his physical therapist.  I was now in the kitchen of his house, making breakfast with Yara in her high chair eating cheerios.  As I flipped the eggs over I felt Donnie's warm embrace from behind. 

"Hey, how'd you sleep?"  I continued mixing up the scrambled eggs and poured cheese into the pan.

"I slept okay, it's weird not being able to sleep on my side but i have a physical soon so hopefully I can get this cast removed." He lifted up his shirt revealing his sides that were wrapped up in gauzes. 

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