Get Up 10

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The rest of the plane ride was pretty awkward for Adonis and Bria, Bria didn't know how to feel now that she knew that her man was still in love with another woman.  Adonis knew he had fucked up by not saying anything, but silence ultimately determined that he still had love for his ex.


The look of disappointment and hurt in Bria's face when she found out that I still loved my ex pained me.  I didn't know what to say or how to put my feelings into words and what made it even worse was that I just confessed the three most powerful words in the universe the night before.  I love you. Which was true, but now that Bria found out that I still loved my ex my words meant nothing to her when I said them.  I had definitely screwed up.

Things were going so great for us, we were closer than ever after not seeing each other for an entire month, due to the fact that I was training non stop and staying with Rocky to make sure his health was in tact.  I don't know why Bianca still had a hold on me, after she had cheated and moved to LA, I should be finished with her right? But she was my first love and in all my wrong doings I'm not only going to loose my first love but my current love. 

Bria had given me the cold shoulder fore the rest of the plane ride home and when we got home she walked straight upstairs and shut the entire world out.  Now here I am shoving my face with some pizza being that it was my cheat day, and fitting because junk food is always comfort food. 

"I fucked up." I said with my mouth full and walked into my man cave with group FaceTime on with Terrance and Joe. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, did you say you were a bitch?" Terrance laughed at his own joke.

"Nigga shut up." Donnie rolled his eyes and sat down in the leather chair and cut his flat screen  Apple TV on. 

"Anyways what's going on? You fuck things up with Bria again?"

"Yeah," I nodded and drank some of my beer and turned the channel to a live basketball game that was on.  "No but I really fucked up this time."

"Did you cheat?" Joe asked. "Please tell me you didn't cheat."

"No but what i did is just as bad." I leaned back in the chair and exhaled as I found a Lakers game to watch.

"How is what you did just as bad as cheating?"

"I...didn't really admit this but Bria knows that i still have feelings for Bianca." I replied even cringing after hearing it out loud made it worse.

"You're a fucking dumbass." Joe shook his head disappointed in his best friend.

"I know thanks for telling me something that I already know." Donnie rolled his eyes and picked up another slice of pizza from the pizza box.

"No problem."

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me I get a good woman and I screw things up.  I love this woman and I don't want to loose her, I can't loose her that's the mother of my child. I wanna make babies and one day get married.  I can't imagine being with anyone else." I confessed.

"Did you tell her that?"

"No, she doesn't want to talk to me." I sighed sadly and took another bite of my pizza.

"Alright well the last time you screwed up what did you do to get her back?" Terrance asked.

"We talked things through and I announced to the entire world that she was my woman and the mother of my child." I confessed.

"Well then talk things through." Joe suggested.

"It's not that easy when my woman's not even talking to me. I wish it could be that simple."

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