Dancing With A Stranger

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For the next few days Bria spent her days in New York doing photo shoots and prepping for Fashion Week. This was her first major fashion show since being sighed to a modeling agency and to be modeling for Louis Vuitton was like a dream come true for her. Fashion Week was two weeks away and as she stood in for a fitting, Adonis had FaceTimed her.

She answers his call as designers worked on her outfit and smiled when she saw him with her babies back at home.

"Hey baby love, how are you?" Bria smiles, missing home.

"I'm fine, Yara just woke up from her nap so I decided to call you so that you could see both of your babies while they were up."  Adonis says with Aali sitting up against his lap.

"Hi mommy!" Yara says waving to the camera.

"Hey baby girl are you being a good girl for daddy? I see he just left your hair in a curly fro hu?" Bria chuckles. 

"Yeah, daddy can't do hair." Adonis chuckles, as she rests her head on his shoulders so that she could see her mom.

"Are you helping daddy by being a princess  and helping with your brother?" Bria asks, watching Yara nod her head.

"She's been a big help with Aali." Adonis says.

"Aww, when I get back we'll go out for milkshakes just like you like." Bria smiles.

"Yayyy! Mommy come home! I miss you." Yara says with tears in her eyes.

"Awe baby mommy misses you too don't cry. I'll be home tomorrow night.  You're going to make mommy cry." Bria pouts.  "Do you want mommy to cry?"

"No, pweese come home mommy." Yara sniffles with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy will be home tomorrow baby girl I promise."

"You promise?"

"I promise.  Be a big girl for daddy okay and I promise we'll go out for milkshakes when I get back baby cakes." Bria says, trying not to cry.

Yara nods her head while wiping her tears away.

Adonis then kisses her cheek as she sniffles trying to compose herself. 

"Mommy will be back before you know it." Adonis says, trying to cheer her up.

"I've got to go soon, take care of my babies for me and give Aali a huge hug and kiss for me please." Bria sighs, feeling homesick.

"Will do, I promise.  Go conquer the world, daddy's got this." He smiles.  "Turn that frown upside down you're doing what you love, you've worked hard for this okay? I love you I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you too baby, I miss you so much." Bria says with sadness in her eyes.

"I miss you too sweet cheeks.  We'll make up our lost time tomorrow." He smirks, watching her blush because her phone was on speaker.

"I'll call you later tonight you better be up, bye I love you."  Bria snickers and hangs up moments later.

"Girl you better go get that dick." Her stylist Jodi says playfully as he takes down her measurements for alterations that needed to be made.

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