Feeling Blue

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"Okay, everything looks good. Trust me you are not harming the baby whenever you have sex. It is actually good that you're releasing some tension that Bria was having earlier in her pregnancy. The less stressed mommy is, the healthier the pregnancy." Bria's Doctor, Dr. White suggested. The two were currently at Bria's ultrasound check up to make sure that everything was going smoothly throughout Bria's pregnancy.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby now? Or would you like to wait?" The doctor asks the couple, the two look at each other and finally speak up.

"We'll wait we're having a baby shower this evening we'll wait then to announce whether it's a boy or a girl." Adonis speaks up for the both of them and holds onto her hand as the Doctor is giving her ultrasound.

"Okay, well the heartbeat is fine, Bria's vitals are good and your baby is healthy. Which is all that matters, I'll print off this picture of your ultrasound for you and put it in an envelope for you while you get dressed. Let me know if you have any questions." The Doctor leaves momentarily after wiping the gel off Bria's belly so that Bria could get dressed.

Adonis helps his wife off of the table, and helps her slip back on her sweats.  She then puts back on her sweater and gestures over to where Adonis is to help her put on her shoes.  After getting dressed, her doctor hands her her manilla folder containing the ultrasound photo and her records. 

After scheduling their next doctors visit, the two were finally able leave the hospital to get ready for the baby shower.  In preparation for the baby shower, Adonis set up a hair and nail appointment for his wife to be pampered before her first big baby shower. As Bria for ready, Adonis sat in the barbershop getting a shape up to look somewhat decent before the event later this evening. 

"You ready for this fight man?" Adonis' barber asked him as he was trimming his hair on the sides of his head.

"I'm ready, this is what i do, I'm going to defend my name and my title.  With the fight only a week away I'm ready for whatever Joshua has to bring." Adonis replies confidently and opens his phone to respond from a text from Terrance and Joe who were helping with the set up at the venue where the shower was going to be located.

"I have no doubt you'll win.  Joshua is arrogant and cocky he kinda reminds me of you when you first made a name for yourself."

"I was nothing like that when I first started." Adonis denied.

"You know that's a damn lie you didn't start acting right until you met Bria and even then you were an ass to her.  I'm surprised she still wanted to be with your ass."

"Money," One of the other clients sitting in a chair getting a hair cut responded.

"Come on man really?"

"I'm deadass though you knocked her up of course she's going to want to be with you to get that child support.  And then you were dumb enough to get her pregnant again.  What does she do for a living?" The other barber asked as he was cutting someone's hair.

"She works at the gym where I train at." Adonis responds. 

"Mhm she's not making as much as you because she knows those child support checks are coming thru.  Why else would she keep a baby after a one night stand hm?  You cuffed a hoe." The barber mumbles loud enough for Adonis and the other men in the room to hear. 

The men in the room laughed at his response, but Adonis didn't find them making fun of his wife funny.

"My fists are registered weapons and if they weren't I'd fucking beat your ass." Adonis threatened.

"Woah, woah chill baby Creed I'm just stating the facts that were presented." The older barber tries to calm the hostility in the room.

"That's not my wife's character.  I know who she is and I don't need any unmarried old ass nigga speaking on some shit that you have no business speaking on." Adonis defends his wife. 

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