Cold Hearted

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Later that night, Bria found herself at her Dads house not wanting to be around Adonis and his pissy attitude. She sat in her room on her bed, with Yara in her arms she could see that her eyes were getting heavy as she sucked on her pacifier. Her eyes water at the thought of her current situation and had no idea what drove Adonis to be this way. She closes her eyes trying to prevent herself from crying while wondering what she got herself into.

Bria's ears perk up at the sound of her dad knocking on the door. "Come in," She sniffles and sighs.

David then opens the door slowly and walks in. He leans against the wall next to the door sand shoves his hands in his pockets. "Everything okay?" He watches her head nod. "Don't lie to me babygirl."

"I'm just not happy at the moment." Bria's phone vibrates and she looks over to see it was Adonis calling for the fifth time.  She ignores the call and lets it ring not wanting to hear from him.

"What did he say?" David asks. 

"A whole lot of nothing...I honestly don't want to get worked up over it before I go to sleep.  Dad, I-I think he's cheating on me." Bria blinks away her watery eyes. 

"Maybe you two rushed into this." David truthfully admits.  "I mean you didn't even have your honeymoon or let alone a traditional wedding.  I know you love the man but you've always wanted to have your dream wedding.  Some time apart will do you two good.  Go see your therapist if needed if you don't want to talk about it with me but you need to talk to someone." David sighs and watches her get up to put Yara in her crib that was against the wall. She then takes her time tucking in her in and bends down to kiss her before climbing back into bed.

"I don't wanna talk about it, I just want to rest please." Bria sighs frustrated and turns over not really wanting to talk. 

"Okay, if you want to talk I'm here for you babygirl." David walks up to him and kisses her on he cheek before turning off the light in her room and closes the door behind him.

"I did everything that you wanted me to do," Adonis says with his hand still on the steering wheel talking to an unknown alias. The two sat in his Black Acura NSX in an empty parking lot.  "I could loose my wife and my kids because of you." Adonis raises his voice. 

"I don't think that's how you should talk to someone who has a sex tape of you." The person grins knowing that they have ahold over them.

"Are you going to give it to me now? I did what you asked."  Adonis looks at them stressed over the entire situation.

"See, I was going to...but I like kinda like it when you do things for me.  I like watching you squirm at the palm of my hands.  I have so much power and control over you that I could literally make everything you know and love leave you or disappear and then what? You'd have no choice but to come back to me." The person chuckles evils and looks at Adonis.

"You're fucking crazy." Adonis rolls his eyes and grips onto the steering wheel to restrain himself. 

"You ruined my fucking plan!" The anonymous person yells. 

"She's my wife! And the mother of my children! I can't loose her I'll do anything that you say. I swear to God if you fucking hurt her..."

"You will what? This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I can do and what I'm capable of. Now, you wouldn't want that now would you?"

Adonis shakes his head.

"Good, glad to see you're cooperating." Tiana smirks.  "I know why you married her though, you think that it would save you from her leaving you.  Especially when she finds out that you stepped out on her."

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