Killing Me Softly

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Later that night Bria arrived back at the hospital in loungewear and her hair tied up in a messy bun.  Adonis was excited to see her tand even offered her his bed space but Bria declined, not wanting to hurt him.  She found a place to sit, and scrolled through her Instagram feed to see how people were taking the engagement.  She wanted to show off her engagement once again, and walked up to Adonis to hold his hand and took a picture to post that he was okay.

@Bria_Stevens:  We're doing just fine @DonnieCreed 💋

Adonis was knocked out from the pain medication that made him drowsy, and I smiled at how his mouth was lightly open as soft snores escaped his mouth. He shifted in his sleep completely forgetting that he was in pain and a small tear escaped his eye when he moved the wrong way.  I bought my hand up to his face and wiped away his tears.  His eyes slowly fluttered open as he looked at me and moved his head because he didn't want me to see him cry.  The swelling in his eye had gone down a little but was still red and bruised.

"It's okay to cry baby." I bent down to place a kiss on his forehead.

"Can you sing for me?" He asked, knowing that I didn't like singing in front of people but he loved listening to me sing in the shower.

"There's no one here but us." He saw that I contemplating on singing for him, so I pulled the chair up to his bed and sat down next to his bedside.

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked as I held onto his hand. 

"The Fugees, you know which one." Adonis smiled and looked at me.

"Strumming my pain with his fingers..." I smiled and watched his eyes light up at the sound of my voice.

"Singing my life with his words...
Killing me softly with his song..."

A smile crept onto his face as I started to sing one of his favorite songs.

"I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style, And so I came to see him, to listen for a while, And there he was, this young boy, a stranger to my eyes..."

Adonis kept his eyes on mine the entire time as I sang.  He was content with the way things were as I sang the chilling love song.  His eyes drooped low as he was fighting sleep.   Before I could finish the song, he fell into a deep slumber once again.  I smiled to myself and chuckled at how strong the medicine was to make him fall in and out of consciousness.


That night Bria got only three hours of sleep because she was paranoid that Adonis would hurt himself in his sleep.  Throughout the night she could hear whimpers coming from him being in pain.  She felt so bad that she couldn't really do anything to help ease the pain.

The next morning, Bria helped him get dressed with the nursing staff as he leaned onto her for help so that he could leave to go home.  The rest of Team Creed had met up with the two at the hospital.  Bria helped him into the wheelchair and handed him his sunglasses to conceal his bruised eye and eyes from the glaring Las Vegas sun.   She pushed him out of the hospital as Rocky held their over night hospital bag.  After helping him into the sprinter, Adonis was trying his hardest not to doze off. 

After packing up their things, Adonis and Bria checked out of their hospital room to head home early while Team Creed wanted to enjoy Vegas for the rest of the week.   The two made arrangements with their pilot to be flown out back home to Philly.  When the two arrived back home,  Bria sighed in relief as soon as she stepped foot into her home that she shared with her fiancé. 

Bria's father greeted the two as he held Yara in her arms.  Yara yelled out 'mama!' the minute she saw us walk through the door.  Bria smiled and kissed her cheek as she helped Adonis upstairs at a slow pace so that he didn't hurt himself.

"Hey baby girl mommy will be right back okay? daddy's in a lot of pain right now." Bria said as she helped him walk upstairs to the master bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom, Bria helped him lay gently onto the bed and helped him to take off his shoes. After his shoes were off, she then helped him take off his pants as he took off his shirt so that he could rest comfortably.

"Do you want your pajama pants or do you just want to sleep in your underwear."

"Honestly, i want to sleep butt ass naked." Adonis replies dead serious.

Bria looked up at him in a 'you got me all the way fucked up' look. "Nice try but I'm not gonna let you sleep but ass naked."

"You want me to feel better don't you?" Adonis smirked at her.

"I do, but you're not going to—"

"What? Not going to do what?" He interrupted and continued, "Why don't you want me to sleep naked? Does my body turn you on?" He chuckled.

"Don't do that cause you know it does, I'm just not going to have you walking...excuse me, LIMPING around this damn house with your dick all out while my father is here. Now, imma ask you again, do you want the pants or are you just going to sleep in your boxers?" Bria sat by his bedside already annoyed with Adonis.

"You already know what my answer is.." he looked up at her not wanting to change his answer.

"Okay, you can help your damn self." Bria threw his pajama pants at him and got up to walk towards the door.

"It's okay, I don't need your help." Bria over heard Donnie mumble underneath his breath.

"Oh, you don't need my help?" Bria repeated and angrily laughed. "Nigga you're talking to the same woman who helped you wipe your fucking ass when you couldn't after the Drago fight. You Think you can get around without me? Okay, bet that's less work for me to do so thank you Adonis Creed for alleviating myself from the task of dealing with you. I'm going to go play with our daughter being that I hadn't seen her all weekend."

Adonis rolled his eyes as he pulled the covers over himself so that he could get his rest, instantly regretting saying that he didn't need her help when he positioned himself the wrong way.

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