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The next time that Adonis and Bria would see each other would be the day before the fight.  She flew in the night before to London after press day to be with him before the fight.  Adonis didn't know that she would be coming because of their lack of communication since their fight nearly a week ago. 

Bria drags her suitcase through the hallway of the luxury hotel alongside Rocky who was showing her to his room and stoped in front of his room number '368'. 

"You got everything?" Rocky asks and hands her the remainder of her luggage.

"I do, thank you Unc for doing this..." Bria smiles and sits her luggage in front of her door. 

"It's no problem babygirl if you ever need anything just let me know and I'll help you.  I've known Adonis for a few years now and i know at times his attitude and mouth can cause problems for him and hurt the ones that he loves.  He's a good kid but he's flawed just like the rest of us."

"That I do know." Bria lightly chuckles and knocks on the door. 

"Who is it?" Adonis yells from the other side of the door.

"Why don't you come out here and see?" Rocky responds before Bria could say anything. 

"I ain't signing no autographs and shit." Adonis says as he opens the door and sees Bria standing in front of him. 

"Hey," Bria smiles when she sees him.  Adonis looks behind him, scratching his head and clears his throat genuinely surprised that she was here for the fight after the argument that they had.

"Hey, Uh...What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you—" Adonis clears his throat and backs away into his room.

"Yeah, because that's what surprises are and I'm not going to miss your fight. I made a promise to always be in your corner.  Even when times get tough." Bria says and rolls her luggage inside with the help of Rocky.  She then thanks him and says goodnight before leaving the two alone.

Adonis then walks over to his bed and sits down rubbing his hands together as his wife walks over to him to stand in between his legs.  He places his hands on the sides of her waist and smiles, bitting his lip at the thought of his baby boy who would be arriving soon.  He helps her take off her coat and lift up her shirt revealing her pregnant belly to kiss it tenderly. His lips linger against her skin as they trace her stomach. 

"I know I haven't been around a lot lately but daddy loves you." He brings his hand to the side of her stomach, feeling her warm smooth skin against his hand. 

"Daddy loves mommy too, but if we can't work our shit out...just know that I will always be there for you and your sister Yara." Adonis' voice cracks and mimics the movement that she showed him to see him move by gently pressing into her stomach.  He then pulls away to see the baby respond to his touch. 

Bria places her hand on the back of his head and silently prays over her family and cries as Adonis was in his vulnerable state.

When Adonis pulls away, he holds onto her hands and watches her wipe away her tears as she tried to pull herself together. 

"I fucked up and I know what happened the last time that I put you through a lot of stress.  I am so sorry for all the stress, hurt, and pain I'm putting you though.  We can work out our shit when you have the baby.  Your health is the number one thing that's important to me right now. I really appreciate you for coming out to support me you didn't have to do that but you did and I am forever grateful. I don't deserve you."

Bria rests her arms on his shoulders and bends down to kiss him on his lips. He accepts, and deepens the kiss while pulling her into him. He missed the taste of her sweet mouth and uses his thumbs to wipe underneath her eyes.

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