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*PSA: the following chapter is a flashback chapter

Two Years Ago

As Bria tiptoed through the hallway of Adonis' house, she grazes her fingers alongside a photo frame of him and Bianca. She was hoisted up on his back as he held her by her legs as if he was giving her a piggy back ride. Lost in her own thoughts, she doesn't realize that Adonis had noticed her standing outside of his room. He gets up from his bed and walks over to the entryway to see what she was looking and and leans against the banister with his arms folded across his chest.

"What are you doing?" Adonis asks, startling her.

"Jesus Adonis," Bria places her hand over her heart and sighs. "You startled me, I was just looking at the photos that you have up. I've never been to your home before I was just looking. Sorry if I was invading your space." Bria clears her throat, and clasps her hands together.

"It's no problem, you okay?" He asks, noticing she seemed a bit off.

Bria nods, moving her hair out of her face. "Im fine Im just going to go. I'll grab Yara and I'll be on my way. You can come see her whenever you want." She starts to leave but was stopped by Adonis grabbing onto her hand.

"No, I mean I set up her nursery you can stay for a little bit just take the guest room." He suggests.

"No, I-I should go I don't want to be invading your space. Besides I don't have anything with me to stay my dad is probably worried about me, I didn't return home last night." Bria mentally curses herself, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Listen, I'll have my assistant bring you some clothes. Yara's asleep so she's fine, if you try to move her she'll wake up. Just stay for a little while longer please..." He pleads, placing his hands on her hips.

"I have a lot of work to do...I'm behind—"

"You can work on it later." Adonis bends down hovering over her small frame, lightly kissing and sucking onto the nape of her neck.

"Adonis what are you—" Adonis interrupts her by capturing her lips with his.

"Don't think Bria...just relax." He says against her lips. His soothing voice sent her into a trance. She finally caved in and accepts his warm inviting embrace as the two walk back into his bedroom.


"You ever realize that you have a butt chin?" Bria says out of the blue. She says, observing his features as they laid together in bed.

Adonis' face scrunched up in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Right there," She places her index finger on the small intention in his chin. "It's not super defined but I think it's cute, your little mini butt chin." Bria giggles and places her hand on his cheek before leaning in to kiss him.

"You done?" Adonis asks, watching her readjust herself to rest her head onto his chest.

"Yeah, I was just admiring you that's all." Bria smiles, listening to the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine," He says, bringing his phone up to him, squinting at how bright the light was and responds back to a text from Bianca.

"Listen, I've gotta go." Bria looks down at the time on her phone and saw it read 11:34pm.

"Where would you be going at this late into the night?" Bria interrupts and watches him get up to put on some clothes. He then picks up his underwear from off of the floor and slips it on before stretching out his muscles out and finding a pair of sweats to throw on.

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