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The next morning when I woke up, Donnie was still laying in bed knocked out from staying up late to help with Yara. I smiled and bent down to kiss him on his cheek and lightly massaged his broad shoulders and chest, just wanting to feel his muscles for the heck of it. He then moved his hand over mine to stop me from touching him while he was asleep.

"Stop it." He groaned sleepily.

My upper body was still bare from the night before, and enjoyed the warmth from his gentle touch.  I bent down to kiss him gently across his neck carefully taking my time leading trails down to his morning wood, which was peaking through his boxers.  After I disappeared into the covers, I slid down his boxers and smiled when he sprang into action.

"Bria, what are you doing?" He groaned when he felt my hand grip his shaft.

"Helping you out with your morning wood." I giggled. "Unless, you don't want me to?" I seductively stated.

He hesitated when he felt my lips trace the length of his shaft.

"Fuck, I'm not complaining." He groaned.

I took his dick out of my mouth and placed a kiss on the tip. "Sounded like you were to me."

"Nah, I'm just...enjoying the moment." He said with bliss and laid back down into the pillows.

With my mouth full I carefully took my time exploring him, knowing exactly what he likes and dislikes. He moaned out my name and pressed down gently onto the top of my head so that I'd be able to take all of him in. Thankfully because of my gag reflex, I was able to take all of him in with ease. 

After he reached his climax, I carefully licked the tip and the length of his shaft making sure I had every drop before I arose from underneath the covers and laid on top of his chest.

"Fuck, that was some incredible head." He groaned trying to come back down from his high. 

"Morning baby." I kissed his chest before climbing out of the bed to brush my teeth and take a shower to get ready for the day.

Donnie's eyes followed my ass before I could no longer be seen and tapped onto the video screen of the baby monitor to see that Yara was still asleep. 

"Hey babe," I said with my mouth full as I was brushing my teeth.

"Yeah?" He responded and turned on the TV to check the news. 

"Since you're fully healed now, have you ever thought about returning to the ring? You know you're eventually going to have to defend that title of 'heavy weight champion of the world'." I continued brushing my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror waiting for his response.

"I've thought about it, trust me I have."  He sighed and got up from the bed.  "It's just that I don't know if I myself am even qualified to be considered that title.  If the refs hadn't forfeited that match then Drago would've  rightfully been the heavyweight champion." He walked into the bathroom and hovered over my small frame, cornering me in between the marble countertop and him. 

I spit out the remainder of my toothpaste in my mouth and washed my mouth out with water, feeling refreshed and almost ready for the day.  He placed his hands on the sides of my hips as we watched each other in the mirror.

"Don't you ever deny what you've accomplished to earn that title.  What Drago did was foul, he was trying to kill you.  That's what the Russians do in the world of boxing they 'play' to kill and you were their next target.  He had to defend his name just as you did.  Was that what you were fighting for? Is that why you didn't want Rocky's help because he knew the outcome? What is it that you're fighting for?" I emphasized and continued. "It's not just you anymore you can't stop thinking about you but start thinking about the people that love you and care about you."

He wrapped my arms around me and helped me turn around so that he could still see my bare upper half for himself and not just a reflection in the mirror. 

"Do you love me?" He asked. 

"I think that's a little selfish of you to put me on the spot like that." I chuckled and slowly traced his forearm. 

"Doesn't feel nice does it?"

"We were talking about you." I responded.

"Okay, and now we're talking about you." He looked at me in my eyes.

"You're trying to change the subject." I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'll answer when you do.  Do. You. Love. Me?" He emphasized the question again.

"I,"  I sighed and looked into his eyes.  "Nigga we literally just started dating.

He rolled his eyes and walked away to go check on Yara.  "I have love for you but I don't love you."  He stoped in the middle of our bedroom waiting for me to continue. As I started venting he sat on the edge of the bed now fully invested into what I had to say.

"We've been through a lot," I exhaled. 

"I've never been in a relationship long enough to where my significant other says 'I love you.' I've never experienced love before, so I don't want to mislead you just in case shit hits the fan.  We're still new at this being 'romantic' thing as a couple and honestly when you said you wanted to be with me, I thought it was because you felt obligated to be with me because of Yara.  But as a lover you've been so kind and caring and I haven't felt that in a long time.  We should just give it some time and patience before we say the 'L' word don't you think?" I suggested.

By the time I finished my mini speech, he had turned around so that he could face me as we spoke to each other.

"I'm not gonna lie the first time I saw you after our one night stand, I thought you were just like the rest.  Only looking to get money or reap the benefits of wanting to date 'the Illegitimate son of Apollo Creed'.  That was one of my fears coming out with my father's name.  After Bianca and I split I wasn't trustworthy of the women who I'd meet or go on fake dates just to get a quick fuck." He shrugged.

"You changed me for the better.  You gave me purpose and meaning when you told me about Yara." His body language shifted as if there was something uncomfortable he was about to say.

"There's something that I have to admit but I'm not sure how you're going to take it." He scratched the top of his head. 

"Im listening." I crossed my arms under my chest trying not to get cold.

"I knew that you were pregnant with Yara, months before you told me in person." He admitted. 

I stood there speechless at what he said almost feeling winded because I wasn't breathing through processing mentally what he just said.

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