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Throughout the evening Adonis could tell that Bria wasn't herself.  When it came time to announce the pregnancy, Sandra gave the two an introduction before handing over the mic to Adonis. Bria put on a fake smile and listened as her husband who was getting ready to make the announcement to the intimate group of people.

"Now as you all may know I've been with this woman for a little over a year now. It has not always been easy, in fact it has definitely been a thrilling experience to say the least. I love this woman with everything that I have in me and I would do anything for her. With every breath that I take, I try to tell her how much she's loved or appreciated but sometimes life gets in the way of things you know? And I'm sorry if I have ever made you feel inadequate because you are the love of my life. I love the richness of your skin, and the purity of your soul. The feel of your smooth skin underneath the tip of my finger tips. I love the way your hair smells like fresh fruits and oils and every single curve on your body. "

Adonis chuckles and continues, "For a while now we haven't really been public about our relationship because we don't want unwanted attention geared towards us. But we figured that this announcement that we were about to make deserved to be shouted from the rooftops. My lovely wife and I would like to announce that we are expecting a baby and I am genuinely happy and excited to be a father again." He pulls the mic away and places his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes and leans in to kiss her as the small crowd cheers for them.

Sandra then takes the mic from his hand and watches her two friends together. Bria then wipes away her happy tears before pulling her into a hug. He then places a kiss on her head and smiled at his friends and family. Adonis then bends down to whisper in her ear. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel as if you weren't beautiful, you look gorgeous to me. Marrying you was the best decision that i have ever made. I'm proud to call you my wife." Adonis kisses her cheek and wipes away the stray tears.

"Let your actions speak louder than your words." Bria whispers in his ear.

After their intimate moment together friends and party goers greeted the two and congratulated them on their baby.  Bria then excuses herself to eat some of the light refreshments that were being served.  Once she fills her plate and a cup for lemonade she then sits down at an empty table while Adonis greets guests.  She bites down into a drumstick, moaning at how delicious it was and continues to eat when Tiana sits down next to her with a plate of food.

"Hey," Tiana chuckles at her watching as Bria scarfs down the food hungrily as if it were her last meal. 

"Hey," Bria says with her mouth full and dips a cracker into some of her spinach dip.

"I bought you this second plate, you're going to need one after all you're feeding two mouths now instead of one hu?" She smirks and pushes the plate towards her.

"Thank you I appreciate it this actually saves me the trip and my feet are killing me." Bria chuckles and takes a bite of the pie that was on her second plate. She then starts choking, and attempts to swallow some food that was in her mouth.  She then gasps for air as her lips swell from the allergic reaction that she had to whatever she ate. 

"You need help sweetie? I could've sworn there were no raspberries in that pie. Oh, wait I thought it was cherry it must've been the wrong pie." Tiana shrugs and calls for help. 

"Someone help, help her! She's choking I think she's allergic to something!" Tiana yells, getting the attention from Adonis and rushes his way over to help his wife. 

"Hey, baby hey it's going to be alright okay?  You're going to be okay." Adonis then holds her head up to help her breathe and reaches into his pocket to grab her emergency epipen.  He looks on the table to see a bite of the pie that had raspberries in it. He then takes the cap off of the needle and jams it into her thigh to help stabilize her breathing.

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