Avenge Me

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3 Weeks Later.

Adonis paced around the room, hitting his fist into the palm of his hand trying to come up with the right words to apologize to Rocky. He was currently at Rocky's gym, looking around to see if any changes had been made since his two month absence from boxing. He had just gotten a clean shave and hair cut from his favorite barber located downtown not too far from Rocky's gym.

Bria was currently at the front desk sorting through documents that belonged to the clients that trained in his gym. Adonis exhaled and walked over to his girlfriend, gently placing his hands on her hips as she bent over to put the folders in the filing cabinet. When she felt Adonis press up against her, she turned around and placed her hands on his chest, pecking his lips before trying to pull away.

"You're going to get me fired." Bria tried to pull away out of his strong hold.

"Rocky would never fire his favorite niece." He looked into her eyes and gently squeezed her hips.

"Are you okay? Don't punk out now. You need Rocky especially if you're going to take this rematch fight, Joe can't train you by himself you need your entire team, Rocky included." Bria motivated him. "You got this, I have faith in you."

"After this entire conversation that I'm about to have with Unc imma need a stress reliever." He seductively smirked and groped Bria's ass.

"What kind of stress reliever?"

"I think you get the idea." He smiled and bit his lip, before releasing her to walk away.


There was an awkward silence between the two as Adonis and Rocky sat together alone face to face for the For the first time in four months.

"Hey, kiddo. Looks like you finally stopped by to visit your old man." He chuckled.

"Yeah, it's long overdue and I apologize." Adonis admitted.

"It's okay its—"

"No, it's not I said some rude and mean things to you without taking your feelings into consideration.  I need you Unc and I don't know why I chickened out.  For the past few months I couldn't even step foot into a boxing gym because I was ashamed of myself, and to be honest I was scared.  I almost lost my life being hard headed because I didn't listen to you, but I was given another chance and I want to make it up to you by apologizing to you and doing whatever it is to get my old trainer back."

"My nephew finally came home, if we're going to do this, we do things my way this time.  We've got to get you physically and mentally back in shape.  It's not going to be easy being that the rematch fight between you and Viktor is a month and a half away but this time it's going to be in Russia so you've got to get your mind and body right."

"You still with me or did I loose you?" Rocky looked at him and crossed his arms onto the desk.

"Nah, im with you a hundred and ten percent."

"You won't be saying that a week from now." Rocky chuckled. "But I'm glad you're back, Let's get get to work."

"I'm all in." Adonis confirmed.

As training progressed with Rocky and Adonis, his physicality changed as well. The two traveled to Mexico to train with their toughest street fighters and skilled MMA professionals to get Adonis back in the swing of fighting with other people. He couldn't run away this time, and this time he had his entire support system on his side.

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