Falling For You

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"I've got to think about it, it's really a lot what you've put me through emotionally for the past few weeks and I don't know how much more I can take.  I mean, loving on another woman after you just admitted to me that you love me? That's a low blow Adonis." Bria stated as she fiddled with the container that held the remainder of her chicken nuggets.

Adonis nodded his head and sighed.  "I figured you would say that.  I'll give you your space if you need it and time to think over our situation." He looked disappointed.

"Excuse me, I- I've got to use the restroom." Bria slowly got up but looked disoriented. 

"Somethings not right." She held her head before she fainted, I quickly got up to catch her in my arms.

"Is she okay?" A bystander asked.

"Someone call 911!" I tried to wake her up as she remained lifeless and unconscious in my arms.

"Bria baby stay with me please." I checked her pulse to see if she was breathing, which she was thankfully.

As I paced in the waiting area of the hospital, I nervously worried about the well being of Bria being that she looked perfectly fine all day. 

"Anyone here for Stevens?" A Doctor walked into the lobby and saw me waiting on in the lobby and walked towards me.

"I'm for Bria Stevens, that's my girlfriend. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is just fine she seemed to be dehydrated and her stress levels were through the roof which was the cause of her fainting. Shes being administered fluids through her IV so she'll be back to normal in no time.  Also, when we were running tests we discovered that your girlfriend is pregnant. Three weeks to be exact, so her stress levels need to be lowered so that she doesn't harm the baby. She will need to be in the hospital over night so that we can get her levels back to normal. She's in room 311 if you would like to see her. Congratulations let me know if you have any questions." The doctor walked off leaving me in a state of shock and excitement that Bria was pregnant again.

After I composed myself I asked a nurse where 311 was and was escorted to her room. As I exhaled, I walked into Bria's private hospital room bracing myself for what i was about to encounter.

"Hey sweetie." She faintly smiled when she saw me.

"Hey babe, you look pale as fuck." I joked trying to make light of the situation and walked next to her to hold her hand.

"Thanks." She chuckled and squeezed my hand. "You ready for baby number two?" She nervously laughed and placed her free hand on her forehead.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I really didn't mean to put you through so much stress while you're pregnant."

"It's fine, i don't need to stress about it anymore anyway. It's in the past, I've just got to remain as healthy as possible for this baby." Her eyes widened when she mentioned the word baby.

"Fuck, I'm going to be a mother again." She reminded herself.

"I'm going to be a father again only this time I'll be with you every step of the way.  I love you Bria, and I'm not going anywhere okay?"

She nodded.  "Yara isn't even a year old and we're expecting another child..." she trailed off. 

"What if we can't get our shit together before the baby gets here? I don't want our babies growing up in a toxic household." She worried because of all of the issues we were having.

"We're going to get our shit together.  We'll go to couples counseling or therapy to make things better.  I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep you and our family." I bent down to kiss her forehead. 

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