Pain and Gain

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"So, how was your night last night? You and the wifey do a little celebratory get together?" Terrance asked and nudges his best friends arm as he looks at his beer bottle.

Adonis sighs, and scratches his head. "We did but we talked some shit out afterwards and I told her everything."

"Everything meaning what?" Joe asks, as he leans against the railing.

"I told her about my relationship with Bianca and i told her why i wanted to marry her so quickly and rushed the wedding." Adonis scratches his head and sighs.

"Was it because of the whole Tiana thing?"  Terrance asks, and sighs as he watches his best friend nod his head.

"Yes...I panicked when I married her which I shouldn't have done.  We were working our shit out and we still are but I don't know, I love her but it seems like every other day there's some shit she's bringing up that I've done which causes arguments and I love her but I don't know how much more of this shit I Can take.  It's stressing me out, I love her I genuinely do, I have a feeling that these spiked hormones are just channeling how she's been feeling about me deep down inside." Adonis sighs and scratches the side of his face. 

"If the relationship is too toxic for you, then maybe some space is what's really needed for the both of you.   You've already told her everything, your true feelings, and your intentions just work this shit out and see this thing through.  She's your wife and you were going to marry her anyway right?"  Terrance watches Donnie nod his head. 

"Then work this shit out marriage is not easy and it's not for the faint of heart but that woman and your daughter love you. You have your first son coming soon. Bria is just frustrated about everything and quite frankly anyone would be too with all the shit you put her through. Just hash out your issues have a comming to Jesus moment and move on, I have faith in you two." Terrance said confidently.
Back at the hotel room Bria packed up to head back to Philly.  While she was packing, she replayed last night's conversation between her and Adonis in her head.  She got lost in her thoughts which seemed to be happening frequently because of their issues.  The light movement of her son took her out of her thoughts and caused her to smile. 

"You ready to get out baby boy?" Bria talked to her baby, who moved again at the sound of her voice. 

"You can't get out just yet, but mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you." Bria talked to her unborn son in a baby voice.

Adonis returns to their suite talking on the phone with his booking manager and slowly walks into the bedroom carrying some shopping bags from when he went out with Joe and Terrance. 

Bria looks up to see him and zips up her suitcase before getting up to walk towards him and places her hands on his chest and reaches up to kiss him.  Her mannerisms caught Adonis off guard because of their argument that they had the night before. He listens to his manager on the line and answers with a few quick replies to let him know that he was still attentive.

"Alright, I'll call you when I touch down in the states, thank you. Thanks again, Bye." Adonis says before hanging up his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"What's all of this? What happened to Miss 'I need some space'?" He mocked, rolling his eyes to move away from her.

"I wanted to apologize if I came off a little harsh yesterday. I know I was upset but i really hurt you in the process because i was hurt. I know we didn't get married the right way, but I know we both love each other. I know I've been neglecting you selfishly because of my own reasons and i don't ever want you to feel as if you can't talk to me. I heard you crying last night and I know that you don't just cry about anything. I should've been more understanding toward you and your needs, I'm sorry."

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